HD DEMO Channel

The reason for it is it's there for the retailers. While there are a handfull of HD Stations now not all of them are showing HD, or the HD they are showing is not the same high quality HD which is needed to show a HDTV or HD service off.

As HD becomes more common I can see the HD Demo Channel going away, but now if a dealer wants to show a customer good HD Now the Demo Channel is there.
I'm still suprised that Sears haven't put an 8PSK mod in their 6000 to show off the Real DiscoveryHD or HDNet.

I know HBO, SHO, or HDNet Movies will have profanity or nippelage on even during business hours.
Cyclone said:
I know HBO, SHO, or HDNet Movies will have profanity or nippelage on even during business hours.

That's what I like about them. Hot Lines - Acapulco.
gpflepsen said:
Cyclone said:
I know HBO, SHO, or HDNet Movies will have profanity or nippelage on even during business hours.

That's what I like about them. Hot Lines - Acapulco.

I went into one of the local home theater stores in my town and they
had Hot Lines on. I stuck around a little longer than I planned. :D

Free 811's for existing customers

Multi Sports Pak not included in AEP

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