HD in the box is going back.... got a new tv


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 25, 2003
I just picked up a Silver Series WS-55413 Mitsu 55inch at Sears. Today is the last day too get $400 in Rebates on Mitsu tv's . Total after rebates and pricematch after tax and delivery will be around $1,500

I decided to get this cause I was worried about the limited 1 year waranty with the DISH 34 monitor.

Heck I might even keep the 34 inch for a gaming only tv :)

I also plan on geting Greg Loewen too calibrate it in 2 months after it's broken in .
Congrats Rolltide, I have the WS-65413 and love it! Mits really makes a nice TV...I have not had mine callabrated yet. Not sure I can get my Fiance to buy off on it since I just preordered the HD Tivo!!!
Hi Rolltide,

Don't go thru the hassle of sending it back, if you already have another 811 or 6000, sell the 811 that came with the HD Box deal on Ebay for $450+ (I sold mine last week for $495 in 2 days). AND ship the crappy RCA 34 to me.

Seriously I will Paypal you $600 for the 34, no problem.

Roll I have the same TV and love it... only problem is with the 811 but the TV is great once u get used to the imputs.....Maybe E* should sub its HD recivers to Mitsu hehe
Hey Roll, so I guess I wasn't too far off with my advice on staying away from an RCA TV huh?
Geometry problems with yours?
I am pleased with my new TV :) Waiting on dish to come pick this thing up all 175 lbs this week.

Is there any hope for HD DVR for my setup?

811 Upgrade for Existing DHP Customers

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