HDTV Programming Guides and Listings

rockymtnhigh said:
You missed HDTV Magazine which provides the guides in SatelliteGuys (although as I write, it appears to be down).

Yea, sorry. Growing pains. The server was down most of yesterday due to excessive load. We have put in a temporary fix and are moving to more robust server solution.


- Shane
mssturgeon said:
Yea, sorry. Growing pains. The server was down most of yesterday due to excessive load. We have put in a temporary fix and are moving to more robust server solution.


- Shane

Growing pains are good thing Shane! (except when you can't bring the server back! :D :D )
It's mutual, believe me.

Make sure you let me know how it's going and if you see any areas for improvement. I've been working this week on building up the programming-related pages.


- S

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