Help!!! 501 commands slowing down...


Silent Key - RIP 1/2/2012
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
Hi all has anyone seen this problem?? My 501 recievers guide response is slowed down. Example when you bring up the guide it takes about 1-2 seconds for the screen to come up. Another thing that it does is when hit the right arrow key on the remote to bring up the banner the text fills in very slowly and if you hit the right arrow key to see what the next show is coming up the bottom banner fills in 1 word at a time takes about 1.5 sec for all the info to fill in. It's almost like the hard drive is so fragmented its causing the reciever to bog down. Any ideas?? Right now I'm doing a hard reset to see if it cures the problem if not I'll unplug the unit from the wall and wait a few mins. Wish me luck. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Bob Hale N1WBD
Sounds like it's time for a reset, hold in the power button on the unit for about 5 seconds until you see the red light come on, this will flush the memory and reset the unit and it should be happy for another 2 weeks. This is a known issue with the Dish DVR's, they must be reset periodically to function correctly.
DarrellP said:
Sounds like it's time for a reset, hold in the power button on the unit for about 5 seconds until you see the red light come on, this will flush the memory and reset the unit and it should be happy for another 2 weeks. This is a known issue with the Dish DVR's, they must be reset periodically to function correctly.

Did that and also unplugged the reciever and that seemed to do the trick. Anyone want my 501??? I'll trade for an 811!! :D The 501 only has a blown modem but works fine. JUST KIDDING!! :D


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