help hooking up my DVD recorder to my tv with Dish's 722 DVR?


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Original poster
Jan 29, 2012
United States
I have tried many ways and sent my husband out to get a new DVD recorder. The only way I've gotten anything is using the YRW out 2 on the back of the DVR into the DVD recorder and then just so I can check I ran RYW from the DVD recorder into the TV but I was told I can plan on having the DVD recorder in the middle and expect to see the TV so I thought I could do my way and just record what's on the TV through the DVD recorder on faith and only check the recording on the TV later using a different source for inputting what I recorded. I know this makes no sense but am really frustrated I was with DirectTV for 18 years and like the block buster deal but if I can't record any movies I rent or pay per view then I may have to go back. Hope someone out there can help me! :(:confused:
I have tried many ways and sent my husband out to get a new DVD recorder. The only way I've gotten anything is using the YRW out 2 on the back of the DVR into the DVD recorder and then just so I can check I ran RYW from the DVD recorder into the TV but I was told I can plan on having the DVD recorder in the middle and expect to see the TV so I thought I could do my way and just record what's on the TV through the DVD recorder on faith and only check the recording on the TV later using a different source for inputting what I recorded. I know this makes no sense but am really frustrated I was with DirectTV for 18 years and like the block buster deal but if I can't record any movies I rent or pay per view then I may have to go back. Hope someone out there can help me! :(:confused:

Errr- you DO understand what you're asking people to help you do, don't you?
I sympathize with what you want to do. I used to use the S-Video out to my DVD recorder and component video from the DVD recorder to the TV. I gave up the whole idea when I got a 722k because it doesn't have the S-Video connector.
Best bet. hdmi from TV1 to TV. S video/R-W audio from TV2 out to dvdr. If your tv has more than 1 hdmi, connect the dvdr to the tv by hdmi. Otherwise use either component +r-w audio or composite. Use the tv remote to select the input to check the pass through of the signal.
A DVD recorder is only going to allow you to record SD content, so why not hook up the DVD recorder's ANT IN (if it has it) to the TV2 home distribution coax, whether that's in another room, or the same room. Then there should be a COAX OUT or TV OUT coax on the DVD recorder that would pass through to the TV. Even with the DVD recorder off, you would still get the signal to pass through to the TV.
Got it to work I can't find a DVD Recorder with a coax on it, I'm actually surprised that Dish is still using only coax. I can get it to record in HD because I'm sending two sets of the same info out 1) by HMDI to TV and 1) by WYR cables for now until I get another HMDI cable to the DVD recorder then have a set of WYR cables into my TV on another input source just to check if recording works and such or if I want to watch a dvd. Thanks for all the help... especially dwarren2. Where did you find a DVD Recorder than has coax jacks on it, just curious.
I own a Philips 3576 and I also have a Magnavox MDR513H...same family of recorders and both have an ATSC/NTSC tuner thru coax.
Got it to work I can't find a DVD Recorder with a coax on it, I'm actually surprised that Dish is still using only coax. I can get it to record in HD because I'm sending two sets of the same info out 1) by HMDI to TV and 1) by WYR cables for now until I get another HMDI cable to the DVD recorder then have a set of WYR cables into my TV on another input source just to check if recording works and such or if I want to watch a dvd. Thanks for all the help... especially dwarren2. Where did you find a DVD Recorder than has coax jacks on it, just curious.
As long as you are using composite(yellow/white/red) cables you aren't recording HD just a good quality SD picture. I have 2 Panasonic DVD recorders with ATSC tuners and therefore coax inputs.
As long as you are using composite(yellow/white/red) cables you aren't recording HD just a good quality SD picture. I have 2 Panasonic DVD recorders with ATSC tuners and therefore coax inputs.

LMAO! Thanks for clarifying what "WYR cables" are. I was afraid I missed a new replacement standard for HDMI or something!
Some DVRs will record component RGB+RW, however, it is 480p at most. So that is not much better than S-video but that is slightly better than composite and that is better than RF. Now if we had a Blu-ray recorder.

If you plan to stick with Dish, then record to hard drives and have HD on HDD, can't do better. Before the Thai problem, the cost was approaching 4 cents/GB ($40/TB), which is the same as standard write-once DVD at say 20 cents for 4GB (just over 2hr of MPEG-2 SD). (Now it is more like $.60/GB, although cheap DVD media seems to be coming down these days.)

You can't take it with you--I'm stuck with my 2000 HD movies on HDD, some much more than 2 hr. I don't think I could store that many jewel cases.

Some DVRs will record component RGB+RW, however, it is 480p at most. So that is not much better than S-video but that is slightly better than composite and that is better than RF. Now if we had a Blu-ray recorder.


I searched and could not find one with component input. I was told they were not available in the US.
Notice KKlare said "DVRs", not DVDRs. There are hard drive only DVRs with component inputs, but this thread is talking about dvd recorders, which as explained, none in the US have component inputs, only component and HDMI outputs for upscaling.

I had an old Philips DVDR72 recorder that did have component inputs, that I bought back in 2004 but it since died on me.
I have my Toshiba hooked up to my 722 via r/y-S-Video. It is also hooked up to an old vcr via composite. That way I can also burn a vhs tape to dvd.
If you plan to stick with Dish, then record to hard drives and have HD on HDD, can't do better. Before the Thai problem, the cost was approaching 4 cents/GB ($40/TB), which is the same as standard write-once DVD at say 20 cents for 4GB (just over 2hr of MPEG-2 SD). (Now it is more like $.60/GB, although cheap DVD media seems to be coming down these days.) You can't take it with you--I'm stuck with my 2000 HD movies on HDD, some much more than 2 hr. I don't think I could store that many jewel cases. -Ken
Great idea. After reading your message I have started doing this as well. I have a 1TB HDD connected to my receiver, so I should be able to save quite a few movies on it. Thanks.

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