Help with HD upgrade dilemma


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 27, 2004
I would like to upgrade my HD equipment and programming, but I'm not sure what my options are as far as keeping the old stuff. I currently have three receivers: a 921, a 6000u, & a 301. On the roof I have a Dish 500 and Dish 300 (pointed at 61.5), each with Dishpro LNBs and connected to a DP34 switch. The 921 is located in the family room and is connected with two separate cables coming from the DP34. The 6000u and 301are in bedrooms on the opposite side of the house and have single lines coming from the DP34.

I know that under the current upgrade plan, I can replace the 921 with a 622 and the 6000 with a 211. What I was thinking about was moving the 921 to one of the bedrooms (rather than trading it in), putting the 211 in the second bedroom, and retiring the 301. However, I'm not sure if it is possible with my current setup, since I will be going from 4 tuners to 5. I've read that the 921 can be connected with a single cable and a separator, so having just a single line going to the bedroom shouldn't be a problem, but I don't know if the DP34 can handle it. Any advice or suggestions would be welcome.
Or, you could add another DP34, cascaded off the first one, for another 4 output lines.


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So are you saying that I would need to upgrade my switch to a DPP44 an add a separator, but can keep the Dishpro lnbs?

Yes, absolutely.

My own setup is a DP twin on a 500 and a DP dual (using only one of its connectors) on a 300 connected to a DPP44 feeding two 622's (with separators) and a 6000.
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