High Definition on iO Sucks ass!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 19, 2004
Ok guys, please tell me why they say SUCH GREAT THINGS ABOUT HD.

However, Im watching a f**king snowboarding contest on NBCHD and it's in SUCH sh!tty HD that I am seeing boxes all over my damn screen.

Even regular tv shows IN HD look like crap............

I'm so pissed at this Bullsh!t. I'd be willing to say MORE THAN HALF OF SHOWS ON HD CHANNELS on iO ARE NOT IN HIGH DEFINITION......... WELL WHAT THE f**k IS THE POINT OF HAVING HD CHANNELS IF 13HD and INHD are the only f**king channels who have GOOD HD?!

Sorry Im just a little pissed about this.
CV/IO only retransmits what the programmers send to them. it is not CV's fault if it is not always in HD or "good" programming.
Wow, are you ever confused.

First, I'm wondering if you are even watching in HD. You sure your STB is set up to send out HD channels in HD?

If you are seeing boxes and blocking, you might have bad signal levels, so you probably want to report that to Cablevision.

Cablevision is probably somewhere in the middle of the pack (and falling) on number of HD channels available, so not really too much to complain about there, though more HD channels soon would really be great.

As mnk716 pointed out, CV retransmits exaclty what the programmers send. That don't downres or down-bitrate the broadcast in any way. So, theoretically (and from user comments) the quality HD channels on CV is generally excellent and as good as anyone else could provide.

Now, maybe you can take a deep breath, relax, let out some of that hatred towards Cablevision and maybe see if your problem can be fixed.
mnk716 said:
CV/IO only retransmits what the programmers send to them. it is not CV's fault if it is not always in HD or "good" programming.

Have you guys try to see what resolution(s) and bitrates CV is currently sending? I know they have a box with Firewire and it so it should not be difficult to get the information off a recording to a JVC tape recorder.
I just feel like all the HD ads are so misleading!!!!!!

Im asking the lady who sold it to me. So 17 (just a number) HD channels right? "yes all big beautiful HD"..........


So then I buy a 52 inch HDTV.........get the HD-DVR.............Plug my sh*t in.........turn on the HD channels........and THE ONLY TWO PLAYING QUALITY HD are "INHD" and "13HD"....

The rest of them are either NOT broadcasting in widescreen (which I dont know, can you get HDTV if your not in widescreen?)...........or they are broadcasting in SUCH BAD quality widescreen (Hd?) that I see all these boxes EVERYWHERE!

Sometimes I have to switch to the SD channels to get a better picture!!!!!!!!!

And that pisses me off
MergaTroy6 said:
Wow, does anyone have the curse count on these posts? How exactly do you plug s**t in? I used an HDMI cable.

Sorry I didn't realize this was a 1st grade class room.

The point still stands that what the advertise is not what you get.
CV is starting to multicast its analog channels in digital also. This has caused them to compress their overall bit rates more and more to meet capacity.

Depending on your system you might be suffer from this
Unfortunately, HD and regular programming has taken a backseat the the OOL/OV initiative as of late. Brooklyn finally got FX but I'm waiting to see how they handle the Mets Network situation. Hopefully they learned from the YES debacle.
MergaTroy6 said:
Unfortunately, HD and regular programming has taken a backseat the the OOL/OV initiative as of late. Brooklyn finally got FX but I'm waiting to see how they handle the Mets Network situation. Hopefully they learned from the YES debacle.

Sadly that has always been the case with CV. There HD & regular programming always takes a backseat simply because they have a 70% market share so they could care less if a few people bolt because they don't offer channels like BBC america,NFL Net,DiscoveryHD etc. Thats just to show you how important Verizon is in make CV change this practice. In areas where cv doesn't have a virtual monopoly they stive to offer the best. From the fastest internet until a couple months ago, to a pretty good VOIP product. On the cable side they do just enough to get by. Finnaly adding FX in brooklyn/bronx it great but they really need to step it up on the programming side.
Im just pissed that when they say HD CHANNEL, it's hardly ever in HD.

Did everyone else REALLY think that this was going to be the case?

I understand why NOW, after the fact, that it is like this.......but what the f**k? 17 channels in HD means 17 CHANNELS IN HIGH DEFINITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Give us INHD2 already.
Discovery HD, HDNet & HDNet Movies. 24hr HD channels, sadly CV does not carry them at all and I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to be carried either.
J3ff said:
Im just pissed that when they say HD CHANNEL, it's hardly ever in HD.

I understand why NOW, after the fact, that it is like this.......but what the f**k? 17 channels in HD means 17 CHANNELS IN HIGH DEFINITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it's Cablevision's fault that CBS, NBC, FOX, ABC, ESPN, etc don't broadcast in HD 24/7?

Try at night, most of the programming at night is in HD.
All Cablevision can do is put on the channels. They cannot control how much HD the channels actually do. I just wish they would do a better job putting on the HD channels.
There should be something that says "HD CHANNELS NOT ALWAYS HD" somewhere.

According to the rep who signed me up, all HD channels are ALWAYS HD.

The only reason im not gonna complain to cablevision about this is because they don't seem to charge (yet) for the HD channels.........it still sucks though, Im watching HBOHD with some movie on right now, and while it IS widescreen, it def is NOT HD.
J3ff said:
There should be something that says "HD CHANNELS NOT ALWAYS HD" somewhere.

According to the rep who signed me up, all HD channels are ALWAYS HD.

The only reason im not gonna complain to cablevision about this is because they don't seem to charge (yet) for the HD channels.........it still sucks though, Im watching HBOHD with some movie on right now, and while it IS widescreen, it def is NOT HD.
Well why complain to US we can't solve your problem with Cablevision. You have a problem with them so take it to them .Your attitude sucks. If you talk to the CR like you do on this forum and I see why they stick it to you.Why don't you buy a theusarus and look up some words to use that aren't immature and sophomoric.
lexluthor said:
And it's Cablevision's fault that CBS, NBC, FOX, ABC, ESPN, etc don't broadcast in HD 24/7?
It is Cablevisions fault though if they don't even carry the channels. I am in CT in Litchfield county where Cablevision is the cable company. They just called me again last night to try and sell me cable. I keep explaining to them that I would love to go back to cable if only they had the local channels in digital format. They insist they do until I tell them to check it out. Then to their shock, they realize only NBC is available - not ABC, CBS or FOX. They always say they will look into it but I never hear anything back. About a month later I usually get another clueless sales person from Long Island trying to sell me cable and I go through the same thing again. I never do get a reason why the channels are not available in my area. And I refuse to sign up with a cable company that can't even provide local channels in digital (HD) format.

Comcast gives back INHD2

Dish vs Comcast

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