Hi. I just built my new computer which I will be using primarily for gaming but would also like to have it as my TV, DVD player and general computer use. I was going to buy a Sharp Aquos 26" but since it is a gaming rig, I would like to get the most resolution out of it and thought of getting a similarly sized computer monitor. Is a TV tuner for the computer what I need in order to get satellite? Also, how would the image look from the Directv (any recommendations on a good tuner) and if I upgrade to an HDTV receiver in the future, how can I hook that up and maintain the 1080i image, I don't see any tuners available with an HDMI connection, or is there? Any help would be appreciated. I know a nice LCD TV would be an easier option for hooking everything up but it would also be a hell of a lot lower resolution than a 1900x1200 monitor. Thanks for the help.