Hooper w/ Sling U237 Inserting Commercials at Stupid Times


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Oct 13, 2003
Denver, Co
I'm not sure when this started. Maybe in the last 2-3 days (definitely saw it Tuesday 10/10).

So, I'm watching a same day recorded show on MSNBC (let's please keep the politics out). The recording was complete. Hmm, the recordings were on the other Hopper in the house (not sure if that's always the case).

Right in the middle of nowhere -> mid sentence, the thing goes to a commercial. I cursed and skipped forward back to the show. It seemed to miss a few minutes.

After playing around, I realized that I'm getting Dish's inserted commercials (I thought these are only supposed to be during the normal prescribed commercial breaks. Yuk.

Skipping forward is kind of a bear. I can get over the commercial, but then am a few minutes in the future. Then, I must jump back to where I started. If I go to far dish sometimes it tries again to insert the commercial.

Sometimes it works better to skip back. The commercial doesn't always reappear.

I've now had this happen a few times over Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

What a mess. I'm already paying dish >$200/month for a DVR so I don't have to watch commercials. Is this really how they want to make extra money?

I'm hoping this is a bug and these commercials are not supposed to be where I'm getting them. My other Hopper is running U238 so maybe (hopefully, praying to Buddha that this will be fixed). Hmmm, could it be because I'm sitting at a Hopper with U237, while the recording Hopper has H238?

Sigh, the HWS pretty much is an Alpha machine running Carbon. All those here who warned were right (Yea, I know, upgrade -> but between the two DVR's I'll Have to lose 100 timers).

And, yes, I have the OTA problem too (only on some shows -> it hates my local NBC news). I'll have to recheck that on the U238 Hopper.
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