After much research I have figured out in order to run a Hopper 3 with 2 joeys and 2 Wallys there will need to be two different Dishes or a DPP LNB with a DP42 switch. Reason I’m wanting to do this is I have an RV with 2 wallys. I want to use the two wallys to move back and fourth from house and RV. The dish on the house will be a new install with all new equipment (currently the home is under construction). I figure the easiest thing is install one Dish with a DPP LNB and DP42 switch. Question is would the installer from dish (when I call them to install) install a DPP LNB if I asked for it. Or will they automatically install the hybrid? I will have 4 RG6 running from dish location into the attic where home runs from each tv location run. I have no problem buying the DPP LNB and switch and changing it out once the installer leaves. If this is what I will need to do which LNB would be the correct one I need bi see several different models online. Will the dish need to be re tuned if I have to swap the LNB’s myself?