On my Hopper 3 (software H367) with Hopper+ (software P12407) - whenever I turned on the TV (LG 65EF9500 3D OLED) regardless if it's from the front panel or with any remote (DISH, Amazon Firestick, XFinity) - the live tv will completely freeze at the same time the TV shows HDR On so it appears the Hopper+ is detecting when the TV is turned on via HDMI. The only fix for is either changing the channel or skip back/rewind even for 1 second but then it seems the clock says the video had been paused for 1 hour or more as the position and the paused timer will be atleast 1 hour or more before and I basically have to forward or hold the back button down to get it to Live TV. This doesn't happen with the Hopper 3 only and happened even with the Hopper+ with software P11701). Occasionally, there are a few times when it does not freeze Live TV and works even HDR is detected but that's probably like 1 out of 10 times.