How can I hook up a third dish?


Original poster
Jun 14, 2004
I have dish network with two dishes and two receivers. I want to add a third dish. Will that be possible?


Insufficient data to know for sure. Three satellites (sometimes 4) can generally be done. Basic questions:
Where are you?
Which birds do you want and why?
What receivers do you have?
What types of dishes do you have?
What types of LNBFs do you have?
What types of switches do you have?
I am in the D/FW area. I need two dishes to receive all the local channels. There are also some channels on the second dish I really enjoy. I want a third dish to recieve Sky Angel.

The two receivers I have are the 301s and I assume I have Dish500.

They are the dual LNBs. I am not sure about the switches, they were installed by a certified installer.

Hope this info helps.

Thanks for your help.
Sparkman said:
SW64 switch will do three dishes into 4 receivers
And so will the DP34 for DishPro - IF you're saying a DISH is one SATELLITE, which it is NOT.

SuperDish: 1 Dish, 3 satellites.
Dish 500: 1 Dish, 2 satellites.
I think I see the problem... DFW locals are on Dish500, the extra stations are on 148 and SkyAngel is on 61.5.

Now there are 2 ways to hook up all 4 dishes... The newest way is to wait a bit and get a new DishProPlus44 switch (DPP44 or DP+44), this switch is in testing now and hopefully will be debugged and shipped soon. This will allow you hook 4 satellites to up to 4 tuners (the 301s each have 1 tuner). Now you will also need all DishPro LNBs on your dishes. You can tell because the will have a big DP printed on the outside of them. Note that you can add 1 or 2 more DPP44 switches to have up to 8 or 12 tuners/recievers.

Now if you have legacy LNBs which could be if you have an old Dish500 the other way to go that works now is to have legacy LNBs on all 4 dishes, use a SW64 and SW21s combo. This will let you have 2 recievers (tuners) get all 4 satellites and 2 recievers get 3 of the satellites. To get the other 2 recievers to get all 4 satellites you will have to add yet another dish. This is because the LNB has 2 feeds on it and you have to tie one of these feeds to each of the 2 SW21 and they will then feed one tuner/reciever each. You take the output of the SW64 (to reciever) and put it on one of the inputs of a SW21, you have the other input of the SW21 go to the 4th Dish. Then the output of the SW21 feeds the reciever.
Thanks for all the help. Here is some additional info that might help. Some of this info will be a repeat. This should be all the info that I can get. I have two dish500 dishes. The main dish has two LNBs and the second dish has one LNB. I do have a DP34 switch. On the switch, there are three satellite cables going in(three is all that can be used) and two lines coming out for my two receivers. Hope this additional info helps out. There are two other quick questions.

One, is there a way to put another LNB on the second dish to pickup 61.5. I am in the D/FW area and the three I am getting now are 110, 119, and 148. I am not sure which ones are the main and which are the second dish.

Two, if I have to get another dish, I have an old one and the LNB I had about four years. It is a DirecTV dish. Will this dish work? As you can tell I am a novice at this so I assume I would have to get an installer for this.

If any other info needed just let me know.

Thanks again,

From what you've said, the Dish with 2 LNBs is 110/119. Single LNB is 148. Notice the difference in where they're aimed, with the single pointing way west of the dual. Now thnk about where 61.5 is. Or maybe you don't know what the numbers mean? OK - they are the longitude of where the bird is, so a dish for 61.5 is going to be pointing like 90 degrees east of the 148 dish - so no way they can be on the same dish.
As Simon mentioned above you will need an additional dish to get 61.5/Sky Angel. You said you had dishpro technology now with a DP34 switch. The best bet in your case is to wait a bit (hope in July they come out) and get the DPP44 switch. If you are handy it is not too hard to get a Dish300 and point it at 61.5.
Great, I will wait for the DPP44 to come out and replace the DP34 and put up another dish.

Will the old DirecTV dish I have work(It is about 4 yrs old).

Thanks for the help.
The DIRECTV dish itself would work, but the LNB will not be DishPro, so it would not work. You might post on the buy/sell/trade forum to see if you can pick up a cheap Dish300 or 500 with a DP LNB. I was able to pick up 2 dishes, a switch and 4 DP LNBs for under 100...
muldertx said:
Great, I will wait for the DPP44 to come out and replace the DP34 and put up another dish.

Will the old DirecTV dish I have work(It is about 4 yrs old).

Thanks for the help.
If the mounting tube for the LNBF looks like the letter "D" you can mount a DISH PRO LNBF. If it is a RECTANGLE no the DISH LNBF won't mount.

sorry for jumping in on this thread.... first post... so here come the dumb questions.....

I'm currently running dish nt with 2 lnbs pointed at 110 and 119..... both lnbs are dual (I've got 2 recievers 500s) and using 2 sw21 switch

now I'd like to be able to hook up 2 more dishes to get all the locals from 61.5 and 148

sooo this means I'd have 4 dishes.... sooo questions

1) is this "DishProPlus44 switch" available and does it work ok....

I'll only be running 2 recievers at most... is there a better/easier way....

2) the lnbs i'm currently using.... I know one is direct tv.... honestly I'm not sure what it is..... sorry....

from a previous post it states I'll need all DishPro lnbs..... WHY ??? can't i use my existing lnbs that are hooked up and working ok and get 2 more lnbs for the 2 new dishes....

thanks a lot for any help.... I'm just getting into this
DishPro and Legacy are incompatible - within the same system. They are totally different in how they send signal and receive commands.

Getting 4 birds is a complex setup - even with DishPro and a DP+44. Don't even think about trying it with Legacy gear. It would be a SW64 plus some SW-21s, a compatible receiver, and a lot of hoping.

Just wait for DP+44 and upgrade everything. Meanwhile, consider why you want to do this and whether you really want to spend that much money.
Check here

If you have locals on either 61.5 or 148, call Dish. They will install the dish for free, it's the law.

If you don't have locals on 61.5 or 148 you will have to pay for the install yourself.

If your locals are on 148 and you want Sky Angel on 61.5 you will have to pay for the 61.5 yourself.

Since one of your LNBs is Directv (you have legacy LNBs) you can use what mikeabc123 said in post #6 above to get all 4 locations.
That's a good enough reason - and it means you might like to play. Look at post #6 for how to play it with Legacy gear.

I wonder if anyone's tried to do the same thing with a DP34 cascaded to a DP21.

Can't seem to get 119 satellite on Dish 500

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