How is the PQ for Hartford Locals?

Tony S

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Lifetime Supporter
Sep 7, 2003
Hills of Eastern CT
To those that have the Hartford,CT locals:

I am thinking about adding the locals to my programming package. The only thing holding me back is that I am afraid that the PQ will be poor. How is the PQ? Is it worth $5.99?
Not too bad compared to the rest of the Dish SD channels. If you can't get locals with an antenna, the Dish locals are fine and I also notice lip sync problems with NBC_WVIT.

I put in an OTA antenna and get 5 or 6 digital channels that blow away all the Dish channels. Fox 61 digital OTA is sometimes bad (poor upconversion?), the rest are consistently stunning (ABC(WTNH),NBC(WVIT,WWLP),CBS(WFSB,),20(WTXX)) - if you can ignore the 811 IRD crushed black problem. PBS on 24 is analog and is a bit fuzzy. In fact, the analog OTA receiver in the 811 seems to be pretty bad, worse than the analog tuner in my sony TV by a long way.

Thanks for the info Guys! Based on your comments, I added the Harford locals to my programming package last night. I agree that the PQ is "not bad" compared to the rest of the SD channels.

BTW, I was already paying $5.99/month for the Superstations; Dish allowed me to "bundle" the Locals with the Superstations for $8.99/month (so I am only paying $3.00 extra for the locals). Lately, it seems like this has been variable, with some reporting that they get the bundled price, while others do not. In my case, I just asked the CSR if I could have the bundled price, and he said "yes" without any hesitation. Also, the CSR was very curteoous, and did not even charge me a downgrade fee for switching my yearly programming package from AT180 to AT120.

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