DVR 522 lock ups


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 9, 2004
Plainville, KS
Hi guys, got dish a little over a week ago and a DVR522. I love it (dish and the dvr) but for the past 4-5 days I have been having lock up issues. There seems to be no one thing that causes just does...

Do you guys recommend I get it replaced (since it is leased) or is this a common issue with an easy fix?
Get used to it you are now a DISH BETA TESTER. You will have many problems with the 522, bad caller ID, missed recordings, and a new problem dropping channels you subscribe to. Read the forums you will find many problems with the 522 posted.
GweeDo767 said:
Hi guys, got dish a little over a week ago and a DVR522. I love it (dish and the dvr) but for the past 4-5 days I have been having lock up issues. There seems to be no one thing that causes just does...

Do you guys recommend I get it replaced (since it is leased) or is this a common issue with an easy fix?

Describe the exact nature of your lock up issues and maybe we can help suggest one or more things which could help. Include a description of any error screens, etc. and what exactly happens. Also an indication of signal strength on whatever sat. you have.

cheers from another 'Dish 522 beta tester'.

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