How many days EPG info in DVR 510?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
I can only get 2 days of EPG info? I heard it can save 7 days of EPG.
It is supposed to get 9 days of EPG because it stores it on the hard drive. Are you receiving a signal from the 110 satellite?
Do you have to turn off the 5xx series receivers to get the guide?
I believe that if a receiver has two tuners you do not have to since it would retrieve it from the second tuner if there is no show recording on that tuner, otherwise you would have to unless you go into the EPG and it starts retrieving it that way. Someone correct me if I am wrong, maybe I am thinking of the software upgrades in the DVR's instead when it comes to this.
I got a 510 several weeks ago and it used to have 9 days of program guide but since the last upgrade I have to keep forcing the download of the guide. It no longer downloads automatically. By they way, I don't turn mine off.

Outback Paul said:
I got a 510 several weeks ago and it used to have 9 days of program guide but since the last upgrade I have to keep forcing the download of the guide. It no longer downloads automatically. By they way, I don't turn mine off.


If you read the posts above, it shows that you must turn off your receiver for it to get the guide download. Don't rely on the inactivity mode.
All the inactivity mode does it prevent the hard drive from spinning after four hours. If anything it might prevent EPG data from getting to the hard drive unless they have it programmed to spin up if it detects data is coming to the receiver. I have not had any issues with my 721 getting EPG data even while the receiver is on. When the receiver is on around 3 am EST I can hear it working and this leads me to believe that it is downloading updated EPG info.
Stargazer said:
All the inactivity mode does it prevent the hard drive from spinning after four hours. If anything it might prevent EPG data from getting to the hard drive unless they have it programmed to spin up if it detects data is coming to the receiver. I have not had any issues with my 721 getting EPG data even while the receiver is on. When the receiver is on around 3 am EST I can hear it working and this leads me to believe that it is downloading updated EPG info.

That's because your 721 has two tuners, he mentioned a 510. I'm almost positive it'd download the guide data with the inactivity mode on, that was the purpose of it. Just turn off the receiver and you know it'll download the full data. Very simple.
Perhaps Dish should also come out with a feature that makes the receiver shut off automatically when it is left on unattended for a certain amount of time and it comes time to download the software.

Scott: Noisy 721 HD

521 receiver still in the works?

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