How many have worked a 622 deal already?

I'll bet that you can't take delivery until 4/1 to qualify for the deal. That may mean you can ORDER before then, but they won't SHIP it/bill you until 4/1...know what I'm saying?
apologize for the delay on this response. He are the answers to your questions. Hope this helps.

1. The $200 rebate is only for the 921 or 942 receivers. I have not heard of any plans to have a rebate for the 811.

2. Yes, you may keep your current equipment and have the 622 installed as an additional receiver in your home.

3.Details have not been released yet on how many receivers you will be able to upgrade. More information should be available soon.

4. April 1, 2006 is the release date for the 622 promotions. An order will not be able to be placed until then. The 211 will be released on February 1, 2006.

That's directly from the CEO office. If I am reading #4 correctly (and I am since I asked for clarification on a follow-up email) to get the $200 back 921/942 owners are SOL until April 1st. Order before then and you pay just like everyone else $299.
Reefer123 said:
3.Details have not been released yet on how many receivers you will be able to upgrade. More information should be available soon.

Not that I won't take any breadcrumb being tossed to us, but hasnt it been all over the place that E* said we could only get ONE upgrade per year?
Well I have the 811 and been with Dish for over 6 years may just wait and see what Direct has to offer if Dish gives me a hard time. Pay 120.00 a month for Dish. I get my OTA channels in HD and don't need the box to get them.
I'm a Dish subscriber of over 2 years, account always in good standing. We've always had the top 120 package with no premiums, so I guess our bill was around $45 to $55/month during that time. I NEVER upgraded our two 311 during that time. We've wanted a DVR unit for a long time now, so I finally decided to get a new HD plasma and a DVR machine. A month or so ago began the process. I was aware of the 942, and began to monitor some of the forums. I discovered what is outlined below....people could possibly get "special" or "unadvertised" deals. All I wanted was a 942 for less than the $700 price...the $250 lease referred to below. No matter how hard I tried (several calls using my best "negotiation" skills) they wouldn't budge. Maybe my monthly expenditure wasn't enough? I even got through to 2nd tier sales, and they wouldn't do anything for me either. Of course, towards the end of numerous phone calls, I "threatened" to take my $70/month (if you figure HD programming and DVR fee) elsewhere. Still no dice. I decided to get an 811, but the day before installation, I caved and ponied up $700 plus $50 for the Dish 1000. $800 later, on the day after Christmas, I finally had a DVR. It pains me to read about people who get "special deals". It just seems really unfair and bogus for people to have to try to work a "used car sale" deal with them just to get a "deal" that new subscribers can get at any time. I wasn't asking for anything free. I was willing to lease the equipment, giving them an extra $5/month. I explained that I would be spending another $20/month or more with them once upgrading to HD. They simply said no. they didn't offer me a single thing. I used to hold Dish in pretty high regard. Now that has been replaced with disdain, and believe me, if there was any other alternative, I'd bolt in a second. I'll tell everyone I know about my experience. Eventually, treating your customers this way will come back to haunt them.
To add insult to injury, the 942's been nothing but problems for me since I got it (audio sync, the red/green stripes problem, dropping HD channels). Calls to my local dealer are met with "well on that particular model, you have to call Dish directly with any problems". Oh, and to top it off, I'll have to pony up another $100 in April to get a unit that will tune in ESPN2, which I was told a month ago WOULD be receivable by my 942 when it came online.
Total, total horse ****.
waltinvt said:
How do you know it isn't out yet? Because Dish says it isn't out yet ?
I remember a couple years ago when you couldn't beg, borrow or steal an 811 anywhere and Dish was telling people there was like a 2 month waiting period, I called and threatened to take my $120 a month elsewhere and had one installed in a matter of days.
When Dish was saying publicly that existing customers could not get a $250 lease deal on a 942 many of us here (myself included) got that deal.
I'm probably shooting myself in the foot here on any kind of a 622 deal but I've decided I'm not going to even try. I guess I'm just sick and tired of Dish's bull sh*t and deceit. There's already too much of that everywhere else.
Well that $250 lease deal was made available to certain subs through the CEOs office, you have no shot with regular CSRs. Sorry to hear about your woes but after mid December most people were in a holding pattern to see what was going to be happeneing with MPEG4.
waltinvt said:
Yea, you can't tell us or they'll have to kill you:D

I know, let's devise a special codeword or "smiley" that people can post if they get a special 622 deal.:p

No, it's just this person is not a CSR, but works higher up at Dish and has helped me with some issues in the past and I'm not about to jeopardize a deal that hasn't even been offered yet but being specific. We know that random people at Dish read these things.
Reefer123 said:
apologize for the delay on this response. He are the answers to your questions. Hope this helps.
1. The $200 rebate is only for the 921 or 942 receivers. I have not heard of any plans to have a rebate for the 811.
2. Yes, you may keep your current equipment and have the 622 installed as an additional receiver in your home.
3.Details have not been released yet on how many receivers you will be able to upgrade. More information should be available soon.
4. April 1, 2006 is the release date for the 622 promotions. An order will not be able to be placed until then. The 211 will be released on February 1, 2006.
That's directly from the CEO office. If I am reading #4 correctly (and I am since I asked for clarification on a follow-up email) to get the $200 back 921/942 owners are SOL until April 1st. Order before then and you pay just like everyone else $299.
That would make the new channels really expensive for the first two months for a current 942 owner. I think I will wait until April. I see "no compelling content" on the new channels that would make me want to pay an extra $200 to get them two months earlier.
It's probably true that most people who read these forums were in a holding pattern since mid-December as you say.
But the vast majority of people DO NOT read these forums. Most people DO NOT watch Charlie chat. Most people DO NOT search out the Dish press releases and read them. I didn't come across this forum until I had my audio sync issues and began a quest to find out if anyone else had suffered from it.
Do you think Dish volunteers information about what is coming up next in their plans when a typical customer calls in to inquire about HD? Do you think I would even know about the 622, the impending MPEG 4 and all that stuff if I hadn't jumped into these forums? For two years I didn't pay any attention to anything Dish-related. It's not until the moment arrives when you want to maybe upgrade or change service that you start looking into things. The average customer does not read these forums day in and day out as a way of life like some people here do. For these types, I'm sure all the "special deals" helped out by "inside information" come their way. For the rest of us, Dish hoses us.
Its hard for people who are trying to even get basic information in order to make a decision. If I had been told back in mid-December that ESPN 2HD would not be available to me if I chose to get the 942, I would NOT have made the decision to fork over $800 to Dish at that time. I would have waited. The "official" information from my dealer said that when it is added in February, I'll be able to receive it. I bought the 942 directly from a local dealer, who I'm sure was quite happy to get rid of it. I don't blame him...he was telling me what Dish was telling him regarding the upcoming HD plans. Then, bam, things change and all of the sudden I have a brand new piece of equipment that turned obsolete within 2 weeks of purchasing it. Of course, at the time I bought it, there was no official information from Dish regarding the upcoming HD plans. In fact, I'm sure they and the dealer were quite willing to get rid of one of their stock of 942s at a time when no-one had any business buying one. They stuck me with a machine that was worthless for receiving the new HD offerings, and not only that, they made sure I paid full retail for it. That's a horrible way to treat your customer. What if I had gotten the $250 lease deal? Would I have been half as ticked off as I am now? Doubtful, because in April, I could upgrade to the new 622 at a $100 cost, for a total investment of $350. That's one hell of a difference vs the $900 investment I'll have now if I upgrade to the 622 in April. And I won't even own the damn thing. And if I keep my 942 (what else am I going to do with it?), they'll charge me extra receiver fees. Hosed, hosed, hosed, all the way around.
And why are the deals made available to certain subs through the CEOs office anyway? That in of itself really sucks.
Can you tell I'm just a little more than ticked about this whole thing?
Reefer123 said:
Well that $250 lease deal was made available to certain subs through the CEOs office, you have no shot with regular CSRs. Sorry to hear about your woes but after mid December most people were in a holding pattern to see what was going to be happeneing with MPEG4.
OMG and i thought may taken for a ride paying 300 on ebay for a used 942.

Anyway, remember ebay before you do anything else. Just sold the 811 too.

The 5 extra channels will wait for me until it all goes MPEG4. By then the "722" or next model will be half price.
I decided to tell Dish to stick it and cancelled my subscription.
No deals on the 622 yet until feb 1, Ive had several customers that have went through some shady retailers and set them up with equipment other than what they wanted. The CSR's at dish right now are on a hush hush situation about the 622 and any of the deals coming for feb 1 as these deals may change at the last minute so no promises can be made by any sales rep at dish or through any of the retailers and dealers until it is made official by dish.
I know its not out yet because there are only 14 622 Serial Numbers in the Data Stream for the 622. (Yes you can tell all the beta testing it has gone through with only 14 units being out there) :)
Van said:
No deals on the 622 yet until feb 1, Ive had several customers that have went through some shady retailers and set them up with equipment other than what they wanted. The CSR's at dish right now are on a hush hush situation about the 622 and any of the deals coming for feb 1 as these deals may change at the last minute so no promises can be made by any sales rep at dish or through any of the retailers and dealers until it is made official by dish.

That may be a good sign. Maybe "E" will come to it's senses before 2/1 and let existing MPEG2 receivers "see" what's MPEG2 anyway. That way they ("E") get more on the new HD package sooner and take a whole lot of pressure off their 622 production crew, not to mention cutting CSR traffic down a lot.
I have heard hints of this, but have not said anything yet because I am not 100% sure. It would be nice if they did offer them in MPEG2 and told you that after a certain date the channels will be moving to MPEG4.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I have heard hints of this, but have not said anything yet because I am not 100% sure. It would be nice if they did offer them in MPEG2 and told you that after a certain date the channels will be moving to MPEG4.

I have been saying this for weeks. They need a transition period, whereby they let people see the new HD channels in MPEG2 for a few weeks or months and then tell people if they like the channels they must upgrade. Almost like a sneak preview type thing. I just can't understand why they can't accomodate their existing customers by giving them the channels with their own equipment for a small amount of time. It eases the rush for upgrading and makes everyone happy.

Since this makes so much sense I bet Dish does not do this. ;)
Scott Greczkowski said:
I have heard hints of this, but have not said anything yet because I am not 100% sure. It would be nice if they did offer them in MPEG2 and told you that after a certain date the channels will be moving to MPEG4.

That sounds like the logical thing to do but again as someone reminded me in another thread, "It's Dish we are dealing here".

DISH NETWORK: The most horrible cust service ever!!!

Price increases higher than they appear

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