How to change my online username?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 15, 2009
I made an online Dish Network account for a friend and screwed it up! I mispelled their name and they are unhappy .... rightfully so.

How can I correct the spelling or change the login username?

Help ... :o:o
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I was wondering the same thing on how to change the user name on the DishNetwork website. I have not seen any thing on the website that allows you to change your user name. I think DishNetwork forgot to put that feature in the OnLine account selection. They put the option to change your password but not the user name.
If it were me, I would contact Dish network since it's their website. But, I don't want to confuse anyone by injecting logic into the subject! Why go to the source when you can post in a public forum that has no direct connection with the source?
Yeah, you may have contact Dish Customer Service on that. I doubt you can change your user name on your own.
My online ID to access "my Account" is my email address, which was established by Dish. I used to have a user name but Dish changed it to my email address. What account are you trying to access? This is a subscriber account. How did you set one up for someone else?
Unfortunately, there is not a way to change the user name. Also, if you try to create a new account using a different user name, it will say there is already an account with that information because it looks at the account number and sees an online account associated with it.

If the user name is misspelled it won't hurt anything, though. Its literally just a login name, and only the person logging in sees it.
Unfortunately, there is not a way to change the user name. Also, if you try to create a new account using a different user name, it will say there is already an account with that information because it looks at the account number and sees an online account associated with it.

If the user name is misspelled it won't hurt anything, though. Its literally just a login name, and only the person logging in sees it.

I find it hard to believe you can't change the user name. Dish stopped using my old user name and started using an email address. Problem is I no longer use that email address but am forced to have it as a user name because dish can't change it. They must use the most backwards programs there since it usually takes an act of god to change anything on your account, and once you do change something, you end up either loosing some channels you had or a month later things are right back where they were and you have to do it all over again
Currently, the only way to change a user name would be to create a different account number, like what happens when an account is bundled with a telephone company, or unbundled. In both cases, the account number "changes," at which point a new login is required to tether the new account number to . The old account would show "closed" (old account number no longer active) when logging in under the old login.

There was a point at which DISH was requiring an email address to login, and they diverted the user name to the email address on file (which sounds to me like what happened in your case, Jacob). Interestingly enough, I have seen plain user names not associated with an email address recently.

To the OP, my suggestion to you would be to have the account holder (you mentioned this was a friends account) email the webmaster and have them change it, if the user name is not taken already. They may be able to do that for you but that would be the only option really.
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