HR20-700 and OTA....

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 12, 2004
Was wondering what the consensus is on the HR20-700 OTA signals. I wanted a 600, the installer said he had a 600, but its actually a 700 (fairly new?)

At least I got the "slimline" 5 lnb dish. I dont see whats so slim about it!

Thanks in advance!
For the HR20 there is only one model - HR20-700.

As for OTA, it's better then my old receiver and pulls in a station that I couldn't get before. So it's good for me.
Oops I think I got it mixed up with the H20 (they have the 100 and 600's correct?)

Another question if I may.........on the signal strength screen, tuner 1 shows at a rock steady 97%. Tuner 2 fluctuates between 83 and 89 %. Is it a bad tuner, connection, or b-band converter? I havent been able to play with it myself, I guess I dont need those converters so Ill try taking them out of the loop first.

I just found it a little odd that one tuner is rock steady at 97, and another would be fluctuating also at a lower value. Both feeds coming from the same multiswitch.

I just found it a little odd that one tuner is rock steady at 97, and another would be fluctuating also at a lower value. Both feeds coming from the same multiswitch.

Ya I know waht you mean , mine does that too.
As long as you have a signal on the 2nd tuner, it is working.
Hopefully it's up where yours appears to be, if it gets down to 60 and under, then you start to have problems.

Also, the "Slimline" isn't what it's all cracked up to be .... Slightly shorter and somewhat wider.
I perfer the larger surface, better signal that way

How much slimmer is it, really?

Im actually impressed because Im getting a better signal now than I did with the Phase III (Im guessing the Phase III was slightly out of alignment). Most of my transponders on 101 are now in the low to mid 90s, whereas some used to dip into the mid 80s.

Id hate to find out the bigGER ugly 5LNB would have been better. Installer said they really like the slimlines, easier to install and they havent noticed much signal difference at least in our area.

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