HR24 + SWM internet connection trouble

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Mar 7, 2012
Belleville, Pa
Long story, I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I recently had whole home dvr service installed. I have an HR24 dvr and (3) HD receivers. I only have the dvr and (1) hd receiver hooked up. I am trying to get my internet connection established. I have the correct swm-2 splitter that feeds the (2) receivers. When I connect a known good ethernet cable into the back of the dvr and go through the network setup, it will not connect. I did a search and thought I needed a deca it inject the internet signal. After talking with the co. that did the install, they said that it was built into the receiver and as long as I had a swm head on the dish, it should hook right up. Is this correct of do I need the kit with whole home dvr service?
aglick87 said:
Long story, I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I recently had whole home dvr service installed. I have an HR24 dvr and (3) HD receivers. I only have the dvr and (1) hd receiver hooked up. I am trying to get my internet connection established. I have the correct swm-2 splitter that feeds the (2) receivers. When I connect a known good ethernet cable into the back of the dvr and go through the network setup, it will not connect. I did a search and thought I needed a deca it inject the internet signal. After talking with the co. that did the install, they said that it was built into the receiver and as long as I had a swm head on the dish, it should hook right up. Is this correct of do I need the kit with whole home dvr service?

You need the connection kit. Hooking up a cat5 cable to the DVR will kill the Internal deca in the HR24. You need to get a wireless connection kit or wired connection kit to do what you're waiting to do
So what is the point of the internal deca. Does that come into play when you do not have whole home dvr service and just want to put internet to the dvr alone?
Welcome to the confusion on this whole topic. The reason you cannot use the network connection on your HR24 for an Internet connection is that D* puts the MRV signal on an IP setup on your coax. Then they use DECAs to transfer the IP packets on your coax network and then put them into the network connection on your receiver. On all but the HR24 and newer receivers, the DECA is an external device. The DECA on the HR24 is built-in. When you plug in the internet connection you kill the MRV signal by disabling the internal DECA. So, the only compatible method for having both MRV and internet (for PPV, etc.) is to use the Cinema Connection Kit. It is only $32, including shipping, when you order it directly from D*. The price is about 3 times that much on e-bay.
So, the only compatible method for having both MRV and internet (for PPV, etc.) is to use the Cinema Connection Kit. It is only $32, including shipping, when you order it directly from D*.
You could connect everything with CAT5 and a switch (less than the cost of a CCK) and achieve the same end (since this apparently won't be a "supported" WHDS installation).
harshness said:
You could connect everything with CAT5 and a switch (less than the cost of a CCK) and achieve the same end (since this apparently won't be a "supported" WHDS installation).

Unless he has 25's, they don't have Ethernet ports on them and if he was to ever have a problem he's kinda screwed. Directv won't even send a tech to help him if he has an issue since its unsupported
One other question. I have my 21v power inserter between my satallite dish and my swm-2 splitter. I am not hitting the splitter first off the dish and "backfeeding" the power inserter through the power pass port of the splitter. I figured it was a more direct route. Is this okay/correct. Everything is working okay this way, but every diagram I see shows the inserter backfeeding the "power pass" port and heading to the outside dish. If this is fine and I have to connect the wired deca, I need another open "out" port on my splitter. Can I exchange it with a swm-4 splitter and cap the extra output on the new splitter?
Your current hookup is just fine. The reason most folks have to use the power pass-through on the splitter is that they put the PI near one of their receivers. But, your connection ahead of the splitter is just fine too. And, since you are trying to connect your HR24 and 3 HR receivers you will definitely need a 4-port splitter to drive all this. Now, if you buy the wireless CCK you can insert it just behind one of your receivers and you will still have your MRV and your Cinema and you will not need to have to go to a larger splitter. Just so you know, it would be best to put the CCK near your HR24 since all your VOD has to be recorded prior to viewing. This is how they get the proper buffering to give you a continuous viewing experience.
As mentioned earlier, I only have (2) receivers currently hooked up. My hr24 and one h25. I am using a swm-2 splitter for this. I have a hardwired internet connection kit in hand. So what is the best method to get this online? Install the 4-port splitter or install a second 2-port splitter behind the hr24
I can see you are still confused on this issue. When you order and receive the wireless CCK you will see that it has a pass-through feature that the wired CCK does not have. You just put the coax connection that currently goes into your HR24 into the CCK. Then you take the short piece of coax that is included with the kit and put that between the CCK and your HR24. No other change in wiring needed at this point. Then when you finally decide to connect the other two receivers you mentioned in your introductory post you will need the 4-way splitter. Since you seem now to be focused on your two receivers, you do not need another splitter.
Okay, I'm just a layman here, and I don't understand anything anyone is saying in this thread, but I need to connect my Hr24 500 to the internet. I have a Belkin router and Comcast cable internet. Simple stuff. I don't want to buy a CCK because Directv wants $80 for it and I don't need Cinema Plus that badly, but I do have a cat5 ethernet cable. When I plug one end of the cat5 into my router and the other into the back of my DVR, I can't seem to make a connection work. The tech at Directv said it was because Comcast has a firewall, but I'm not buying that. Can I connect to the internet that way, or am I going to get stuck paying for more equipment in order to take advantage of another "free" service I was promised when I signed up?
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