Looks like a sales gimmick to me! No new information and chooses not to point out some technical differences between the two services that may effect a buyers decision.
It contains some inaccurate information (such as the minimum price for E*) and some out of date information (such as the locals available). Not that other reseller sites are not out of date and have errors ...

The domain is registered to:
Jason Draper
Fort Worth, Texas 76137

Visit "" and suprise suprise ... it is the same content! Looks like another billboard for a reseller...
Hiding under the cloak of a friendly guy who did a comparison.

Many of the channels are very wrong.

Like Dish does not have the Fox new Channel that I am watching right now.

THe data seems to be 1-2 years old.
Sean Mota said:
I saw this site. How good it's the comparison. Is it fair?

Dish vs DirectTv

I found this site to be better:

It looks more up to date.

I wouldn't buy anything from it but strictly from a comparison point of view I thought it was pretty good.

Superdish install w/legacy receiver? (6000)

Any Word on the 522?

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