I can't browse this website with my phone

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Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Oct 7, 2003
Pacific Coast
Is something out of date?


  • IMG_20170925_202701.png
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This site's certificate looks legit to me. Maybe you need to flush some caches?
Screen Shot 2017-09-28 at 15.31.03.png
What kind of phone do you have.? The error message you have says it does not support HTTP STS.

We moved to that about a month ago as some browsers were saying we were not secure enough. This is the first time I have heard of any issues. And HTTP STS is not a new protocol and to my knowledge up until now is supported by all modern devices.
The error message you have says it does not support HTTP STS.
HSTS is coming up on its fifth birthday (November 2012) but that doesn't mean all browsers support it.

The TS is going nowhere without letting us know what browser is involved and probably what OS if there is a chance of an alternative.
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What about Florida?

Trouble with search

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