and you turned off the pop-up blocker for that site? or set it for compatibility mode for that site?I noticed this too, except I would say that the site doesn't work with IE9, or at least I can't pay my bill with it, because the confirmation popup never comes up when I'm using IE9. I always use Chrome for that site but was unable to even do that the other day.
Not mean at all ... the problem is that Dish doesn't have it as a priority. And even if they have it on their "to do" list .. they have not .. to date ... published any of their priorities that aren't directly mandated by their Marketing Dept. And that marketing department is busy writing checks that their tech can't pay.Not to be mean, but why does it take so long to fix a website problem with a browser that is over 13% of the browser market and rising faster than any other... That is ridiculous.
Chrome gets is speed by cutting many corners so you're going to see some stuff that doesn't work right. IE has pretty much always done the same thing but they have a much larger installed base of incompatible browsers.Not to be mean, but why does it take so long to fix a website problem with a browser that is over 13% of the browser market and rising faster than any other... That is ridiculous.
and you turned off the pop-up blocker for that site? or set it for compatibility mode for that site?
possibly posted in the wrong place? or confused on original poster's question/intent?Of course you can't use your sling with Firefox 7
wow, i was able to log in with Chrome! i guess they got it working now, then again i did just delete all my dish and dishonline cookies. maybe that had something to do with it?