I need help with my 811 install


Original poster
Jan 12, 2004
The 811 has two inputs on the rear panel in the form of RCA. If I use those inputs for my xbox and ps2, will the 811 upconvert those signals? My delima is my HDTV (51 inch Sony Rear Projection) only has two Composite Video inputs and no DVI. I have 4 pieces of hardware in which I would like to use the componet cables. (DVD player, 811, XBOX, and PS2) Any help would be appreciated :confused:
Or you can get an Audio/Video Receiver with a built in switch. Getting one with 3 Component In's however, will be pricy.
tiptowner said:
The 811 has two inputs on the rear panel in the form of RCA. If I use those inputs for my xbox and ps2, will the 811 upconvert those signals? My delima is my HDTV (51 inch Sony Rear Projection) only has two Composite Video inputs and no DVI. I have 4 pieces of hardware in which I would like to use the componet cables. (DVD player, 811, XBOX, and PS2) Any help would be appreciated :confused:
I haven't tried using the two composit inputs on the back of the 811 but the manual does state that the inputs will not be converted to HD.
snathanb said:
Yo... tiptowner,

You do know you shouldn't be playing ps/2 or Xbox on a RPTV, right?
I have been for about 2 years now, and I have never heard not to. Why, whats up?
Do not use the back panel inputs on the back of the 811. I have tried them and the picture quality is terrible. Waste of time.
tiptowner said:
I have been for about 2 years now, and I have never heard not to. Why, whats up?

Phosphor burn in from the static images displayed. I play XBox on my RPTV and I just make a habit of making sure my TV isnt in torch mode (contrast = 100, brightness = 100 = torch) and I change games every hour or two.

As long as you arent gaming for the entire weekend and take some precautions you will be fine. Newer RPTV's don't have the same problems older RPTV's had with burn in.


if i have dish and move, what are my options?

Bad experience with E* customer service

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