I think my 921 just died.

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Ok this is weird.

I came home and sat in front of my TV and turned it on. There was a frozen picture on the screen.

I could not control the 921 with my remote.

I got up and pressed power until the unit rebooted

The DISH HD logo stayed on the screen for 7 minutes.

Then the following message appeared.


Then is said something like "Some features are still available to you press the numbers on your remote" and then the screen disapeared.

It popped back on a few minutes later then went away again.

I am going to go unplug it and try it again.

I will let you know how I make out.
It looks like it is REALLY dead.

Below is the error screen.

You can tell the 921 has been in the works for awhile, the copyright date on the screen is 2001.

Time to call Dish


  • dead921.jpg
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I have been on the phone with Advanced support for over 50 minutes. We have been trying to revive my 921 but to no avail.

Whn I reboot all the lights on the front blink like a christmas tree.

An error message pops up after 10 minutes telling me the reimage of the drive has failed and then the above posted screen comes up, after 20 minutes or so I CAN watch TV however no guide, no menus, no OTA, I can just channel up and down.

Hes trying to get me a RA now.
Wow. That's a real drag. But, like most consumer electronics, if it's going to die, it's going to be in the first 90 days, or never. :)

Did you try giving the top of the unit a good whak? if the drive is stuck up, that might get it spinning again at least temporarily.

Model 6000u and s-video flicker

Installer ???? again

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