Installer ???? again


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 30, 2003
Scheduled this Sat for an 811/522 3 room install.
I was supposed to get 110/119 and a 61.5, but they left the 61.5 off the work order and they ave to push it out if they add the 61.5 today (which I ain't doing). SO I will have to cal and have them do it after I have the initial install.
My ??? Is what switch would they bring out for that?
They said it was going to be a quad LNBF for the 100/119.
I was given a 301 by a friend and was going to have them drop another line for $60 and put it in a 4th room, but now not sure they will be able to do that if they don't have the proper switch.
ANyoen offer some advice here?

I think my 921 just died.

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