I think this is funny

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 19, 2004
Hooked up my analog reciever to KU for the first time today. I had seen on lyngsat that Lifetime was on analog KU on 121, tp 32. Swung the Bud over and started changing channels on the analog reciever. Well, long story short, did not find Lifetime (which the wife wanted) but I did find something i think is pretty funny.

On TP 22 (remember this is ku ANALOG) there is a test card stating:

You have a super dish pointed at 121 w.l. :D there is also a picture of a DN logo.

Now why the heck is DN broadcasting a test card on analog KU?
I see it now :)

very fuzzy and the only way for me to see it is to hit "info" (I'm running the analog througha VCR so the picture is bad enough I get a blue screen. I hit "info" and it comes in) :)

Its gotta be some type of bleedover?
I get a very strong signal on it with my BUD, around 190 (top signal is 255)

Its gotta be some type of bleedover?

Not sure how that could happen......
The analog signal does show up on the Broadlogic Spectrum Analyzer. It does look to be coming from Echostar 9. They have had an analog signal on there before. There is also a non-dvb signal at 12176H 6143. I can't lock it. I seem to recall that an SR of 6143 was common for mpeg 1.5 signals.
I'm guessing this signals is there to help a technician aiming a dish. Many spectrum analyzers will lock and display analog signals. So a tech using a spectrum analyzer to aim a dish could look at this signal on his spectrum analyzer and this would tell without any doubt he was aiming at 121.
I'd make a guess that since 121 is being emptied and moved to 118.75 the unused capacity is going to be tested for reselling to businesses. The FCC frowns upon license holders that don't use their licenses, e.g., you cannot keep things "dark" for very long before are in risk of forfeit, so testing happens.
drhydro said:
You have a super dish pointed at 121 w.l. :D there is also a picture of a DN logo.

Now why the heck is DN broadcasting a test card on analog KU?

Yes I found that back in jan. Back then it was on ch 32 and running messages from charlie. Very strong and clear.
There is an analog signal with color bars and telephone number for Echostar Satellite LLC Satellite Access Center on Echostar 9 Transponder 23.
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