I will never do business with directv again.

Please reply by conversation.
I am done trying in this one, it appears that the OP has made his mind up that he is going to be pissed weather he cancels or stays.
We have all tried to have him call back and talk with Retention, (thats what they do) He has made up his mind that instead, he would rather be miserable for 2 years :confused: and then cancel.

He has 30 days to cancel or return equipment he has upgraded to.

Does he have the protection plan ?

I asked several times, is this the deal:

free hd receiver
99 dollar hd dvr
the movers connection sunday ticket and premium package deal
9.99 hd pack free for one year

the csr agreed each time. was there a mistake somewhere? yes, I truly believe that but it was not on my part. i dont think they intentionally did it, but like I said, it is obvious that the guy was not paying attention to what he was doing as he never even updated my phone number on the account. luckily I clled back to verify so that the installer could contact me. I will gladly admit that I have made mistakes, but the problem is directv is not owning up to the csr's mistake.
If you used a credit card you need to contact them immediately.
I am done trying in this one, it appears that the OP has made his mind up that he is going to be pissed weather he cancels or stays.
We have all tried to have him call back and talk with Retention, (thats what they do) He has made up his mind that instead, he would rather be miserable for 2 years :confused: and then cancel.

He has 30 days to cancel or return equipment he has upgraded to.

Does he have the protection plan ?


ive been told by two retention csr's and a person that said they were with the executive office that called about a different issue that I cannot cancel. If you have a link to something that states that you have 30 days to cancel after using the movers connection I will paypal you 50 dollars. Now you see why I am pissed. I dont understand why you keep trying to blame me. I have no reason to lie about this.
If you used a credit card you need to contact them immediately.

They just charge this directly to the account. I doubt that it would work if I payed the bill with the credit card and then disputed the 99 dollar charge? any thoughts on that?
I do not agree that it was not noted in the account; BUT can see a reason why it may not have been as the deal is a common regular deal; the $99 for one and FREE for the other WOULD have been noted as that would have been a GREAT DEAL!

This is also why am am totally against deal haggling; just set the prices across the board and post it on the websites and in print ads and FORGET about it. No confusion. No dealing with CSRs.

totally, 100 percent agree!
I think that you and the CSR had a misunderstanding. I received the exact same deal that you did, actually on the programming I think you did a bit better! I calles about 7 times to try to get the best deal and it ened up being a new H20 and a new HR20. The H20 was free, the HR20 was 199. So it shook out the same. I understand that you feel you were wronged . I guess that what gets me and many on this site is that these misunderstandings get posted on these threads with a big fat headline that states how D* screwed me and it makes us wonder. I have had D* for 13 years now and have never, ever had anything happen like that because I expect to be talking to CSR, not a rocket scientist. I speak with them like I do my 12 year old. I make absolutely clear what I expect and when the info is typed in, which happens immediately I check out the charges online and call back before any equipment is installed. After all we are billed for it before it gets here. So my advise, call back, one more time, as nice as possible retell the story, acknowledge that there must have been so miscommunication on both sides. See what they can do. If nothing, chalk it up to a bad day. Don't throw away 10 years of solid service because of one misunderstanding.
Not sure why, but I am thinking we are not getting the whole story; IMHO.. Also all the DirecTV slander and DISH folks yet again chiming in is the same childish foolishness as always; like damn vultures on the prey. Silly!
thats kind of what i was thinking. Is there something more?
I think that you and the CSR had a misunderstanding. I received the exact same deal that you did, actually on the programming I think you did a bit better! I calles about 7 times to try to get the best deal and it ened up being a new H20 and a new HR20. The H20 was free, the HR20 was 199. So it shook out the same. I understand that you feel you were wronged . I guess that what gets me and many on this site is that these misunderstandings get posted on these threads with a big fat headline that states how D* screwed me and it makes us wonder. I have had D* for 13 years now and have never, ever had anything happen like that because I expect to be talking to CSR, not a rocket scientist. I speak with them like I do my 12 year old. I make absolutely clear what I expect and when the info is typed in, which happens immediately I check out the charges online and call back before any equipment is installed. After all we are billed for it before it gets here. So my advise, call back, one more time, as nice as possible retell the story, acknowledge that there must have been so miscommunication on both sides. See what they can do. If nothing, chalk it up to a bad day. Don't throw away 10 years of solid service because of one misunderstanding.

like i said, I repeated the offer at least 3 times while speaking with the guy and he agreed to what I said every time. Ive never had this problem before with directv either in the past. when I talk to them, they insist that I am the one that made the mistake but refuse to pull the recording of the transaction. If i were lieing about it I surely wouldnt want them to pull the recording! I even tried to get them to at least give me a programming credit and she said that is only a bandaid to which i replied that is what is needed in this situation. The guy didnt even change my address or my phone number while I was using the MOVERS CONNECTION. This goes to show that he was not doing his job correctly. Had I not called back to change the phone number the installer would have probably showed up at my old home. But Directv insists that it was a mistake on my part or that I am not telling the truth. That is where the problem is. Instead they have tried to lie to me, telling me the price of the hd dvr was 299 instead of 199 to try and make me feel like I got a better deal, hung up on me twice, and have stuck me in a 2 year contract under terms that I did not agreed to and refuse to give me any out. If they would at least admit that it was a mistake on their part and offer me a little something, even meet me halfway I would be alright, I understand that people make mistakes. as of right now I have decided that if they dont own up to their mistake I will call customer service every day that I think about it and ask for my credit. By the time you add up the phone charges and the salary of the csr wasting their time they would have come out much cheaper in the long run by just giving me the deal that we agreed upon from the start. at the end of this 2 years they will lose what has been a good customer. By that time dish will have just as much hd anyway. I guarantee I wont be recommending directv to anyone ever again.
did I ever say that I owned the hd dvr? or did you not read? I still fail to see what that has to do with the situation at all. I was offered a deal and did not receive it, and cannot do anything about it unless I want my credit ruined.
No but by saying that the cost of the DVR is $750 you insinuated as much. I hate to assume, to often that just puts words in peoples mouths, but i think he was just clarifying what the cost actually is on a leased reciever.
what more do you want? i have answered every question posed. what more could there be?
i surely wouldnt be going thru all of this trouble just for fun.
Look if you are getting hosed, that sucks. I think we can all agree on that. Something just doesnt seem to add up. If everything happened exactly as you said, then something should and i believe would be done about it. I hope you get it worked out in your favor though. Just call back and try again:)
Good luck!
Okay Diat. I don't know if you talked to retention when you called back, but you need to. They are the department that gave you the deal so they are the only one with access to that deal. A regular CSR don't have access to the same screens that retention does. I found that out as a returning customer. Retention offered me a deal and when I called back the regular CSR had to transfer me to the Win Back dept, which is the same as retention I think. They are the only ones who can offer such deals and they are the only one who can see the deal they offered you. Try calling retention again and see if that helps.
No but by saying that the cost of the DVR is $750 you insinuated as much. I hate to assume, to often that just puts words in peoples mouths, but i think he was just clarifying what the cost actually is on a leased reciever.

i never said that the cost of the hd dvr is 750. I said the cost was 200, which it is. what he tried to do was cloud the picture by stating that the hd dvr retails for 750 dollars if you want to own it outright. the price for the hd dvr is 199 if you want to lease it. That is the only thing that is relevant to this discussion. Like I stated, the csr tried to fool me into thinking that the hd dvr lease price was 299 when i called back to discuss the hd receiver charges, which was incorrect and I quickly pointed out that 199 was charged to my bill, not 299, and I got a 100 dollar credit. But the hd dvr really isnt a part of the problem at all, as I paid what i was expecting to pay on it.
Okay Diat. I don't know if you talked to retention when you called back, but you need to. They are the department that gave you the deal so they are the only one with access to that deal. A regular CSR don't have access to the same screens that retention does. I found that out as a returning customer. Retention offered me a deal and when I called back the regular CSR had to transfer me to the Win Back dept, which is the same as retention I think. They are the only ones who can offer such deals and they are the only one who can see the deal they offered you. Try calling retention again and see if that helps.

Ive talked to retention 3 different times, and a person from the executive office and they all say the same thing. the original csr in retention did not document the hd receiver for free so I am out of luck. i will continue to call but i doubt it will help, except eventually it will end up costing them more for wasting their time on me than actually just giving me what was promised in the beginning.
what more do you want? i have answered every question posed. what more could there be?
i surely wouldnt be going thru all of this trouble just for fun.[/quote

I have said things unflattering about Directv on these boards, and I was attacked as well. With some on here, it must be your fault because, according to a select few, Directv does not make mistakes. Therefore, in their minds, you must be pulling some kind of scam or trying to play games. Don't bite on these people's nonsense. Do what you have to do and let them think what they will.
Look if you are getting hosed, that sucks. I think we can all agree on that. Something just doesnt seem to add up. If everything happened exactly as you said, then something should and i believe would be done about it. I hope you get it worked out in your favor though. Just call back and try again:)
Good luck!

the only thing that adds up is that directv made the mistake, and is making an even bigger one by not owning up to it. i understand that people make mistakes and would gladly accept an apology but directv continues to stand their ground and I will stand mine. They may win the battle, but I will eventually win the war when I disconnect service in 2 years.
what more do you want? i have answered every question posed. what more could there be?
i surely wouldnt be going thru all of this trouble just for fun.[/quote

I have said things unflattering about Directv on these boards, and I was attacked as well. With some on here, it must be your fault because, according to a select few, Directv does not make mistakes. Therefore, in their minds, you must be pulling some kind of scam or trying to play games. Don't bite on these people's nonsense. Do what you have to do and let them think what they will.

I figured people would jump to conclusions, which is why I have been very open about the situation. so far the only party that has played games in this situation is directv, having a csr try and fool me into thinking I got a better deal to sut me up by claiming the hd dvr was 100 dollars more than the actual price. If anyone got scammed it was me, I have to pay directv for 2 years under terms that i did not agree upon before entering into a contract. I wish I could run my business like that!!!!
i never said that the cost of the hd dvr is 750. I said the cost was 200, which it is. what he tried to do was cloud the picture by stating that the hd dvr retails for 750 dollars if you want to own it outright. the price for the hd dvr is 199 if you want to lease it. That is the only thing that is relevant to this discussion. Like I stated, the csr tried to fool me into thinking that the hd dvr lease price was 299 when i called back to discuss the hd receiver charges, which was incorrect and I quickly pointed out that 199 was charged to my bill, not 299, and I got a 100 dollar credit. But the hd dvr really isnt a part of the problem at all, as I paid what i was expecting to pay on it.
You are correct, i misread it. My apologies:eek:
Please reply by conversation.

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