I Wish I Had My 811....


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003

I called Dish Network on or around the 1st of December to order my 811 on the exclusive customer $149 deal. I was originally promised an install on 9 December. It's now 29 January and I still have nothing! They've lied, delayed, and flat out stolen my money. As of today the best they can tell me is I might - MIGHT - get an install on 11 February! Why can people buy these things at Sears, yet I can't get one from the manufacturer?!?!!!??

My patience is wearing very thin. Is anyone else in the Tampa Bay area still on a lengthy delay like this?

Had to vent. Again.

I am from tampa and called dish last night to order and they told me someone would call me in 60 days. I asked them if I could get it from an authorized dish dealer for the 149 they quoted me. They said yes. That was not true. I called dish about three times today and got the run around. I am thinking of sending a letter of dissatifaction or even moving to directv or cable.

No one at dish customer service knows anything.

I did find a couple of sears in the tampa bay area that had the 811 in stock, but they would not budge on the price.

The sears in brandon said they had two in stock and would sell it for 249 (meet me half way) I called back 15 minutes later to confirm with the person I talked to that it was still ok before i drove out there. his name was jeff. when i asked to talk to him the first time, just 15 minutes after i called the first time, a guy answered and said he hadn't seen jeff all day and to call back later. (he was rude). I called back an hour later and someone different said that jeff is not working today. I asked him to verify with the manager that it was still ok and when he got back on the phone he said he had no idea about the price match and that no one had talked to him. So the jeff i talked to the first time some how dissappeard of the face of the earth.

I have given up with it.
I can't remember when I ordered mine ( did get one after email to Charlie ), but mine came from a place in Tampa. If I can find the name you might just see if they have any. My local installer gets them through this same place and he gets a few every week, he had one yesterday ( new customer deal ). Yea, I know there aren't any. ;)

Digital Reception Services

One of these numbers you can leave a message to be called back ( good luck ) :D . The other you can actually talk to a live human being ( I just cant remember which one ). If you find that they have some, try and call dish and say they have them.
Threaten to leave!

korsjs said:
I called dish about three times today and got the run around. I am thinking of sending a letter of dissatifaction or even moving to directv or cable.

Last week I got tired of getting the run around from Dish so I switched to DirecTv after being with Dish for 5+ years. :mad:

You might want to try this, call them up and tell them you want to cancel your account, when I did this (to really cancel) I was transfered to the "Cancelation Department". Some yo-yo got on the phone and seemed real upset that I was leaving Dish and wanted to know why? I told him the lack of getting an 811 (had been on the list for over a month) and the general run around I was getting from them. On top of that my local retail HAD 811's in stock, but because I did not previously buy from them I could not get the $199 deal. So then he says because I was such a valued customer he would let me in on the $999 deal for a HDTV and a 811 and could get it to me right away. Told him I did not want there TV as I already have a 65" Sony....so then...get this....he said he could get me the 811!!!!!!!! I told him basically to pound sand and cancel my account...NOW! So you might want to give it a try.....bluff them a little bit.

On the flip side I am soooooo happy I switched over to DirecTv. Went to Circuit City and picked up an Hughes HTL-HD, a Hughes DVR40 and a standard RCA reciever (w/ trip LNB dish and install). Price w/ tax was $642, but I get $150 mail-in-rebate along with a $75 CC Gift Card. So for $417 I now have a HD box, a dual tuner DVR and an extra box for the bedroom/camper. HD is friggin amazing and overall SD on DirecTv is much better than my 5000 or 501 ever were!!! :yes

Good Luck! :D
Eh, should of seen if he could came through with the 811 for $149 and no commitment charge, then should of cancelled dish anyway and sold the 811 for $300. That way you would of only had a $117 charge for the new directv stuff.
I've had FIVE installs canceled or no show for my 811 receiver I purchased ($149) way back on 12/8 and now they have canceled the work order for my 811 and put me on the preorder list. They now tell me I may have to wait as long as four to six weeks more get this receiver. I really pissed since I'm suppose to be hosting a Super Bowl Party and it looks like I will not even have a HDTV receiver to watch it on. I've been fairly happy w/ DISH until all this crap. I'm thinking of dumping DISH if I can't get my 811 in time for the Super Bowl Sunday. I've talked to several CSR and the supervisors there and I've also called the exec. dish phone #, but all I get is the run around. I can't tell you how many times I 've been promised in "2 weeks" for the 811. I know about the shortage of these units, but I don't think it's fair that others have their 811 recievers after purchasing it later than me and my local retailer also has received some since my order.
811 Fiasco Update

Good news! I finally got my 811 yesterday (2/11). I ordered mine around the first of December and had the full run around from Dish for the last 2+ months!

I had it all set up for the installers to simply pull my 3000 out and replace it with the 811 - should've taken them about 10 minutes tops. I was not home at the time (the wife was). For some reason these yahoos decided they needed to go out to my main TV and proceed to COMPLETELY rewire my entire system! I have my system set-up to feed my 508 throughout my house, as well as my DVD player and VHS machine. They didn't need to do ANYTHING at the main TV - simply swap receivers in my bedroom. I don't understand why they felt like they needed to mess with MY system like they did.

It took me over an hour to get everything put back the way I had it. Sheesh. Well, at least the 811 is here. Finally.

I've been with Dish since 1996, and if I didn't have to stay with them because they carry the network I work for, I might seriously consider dropping them for DirectTV after all this!

Finished venting,


I noticed that someone from Dish called my house last night so I called them back. Anyway I have been on the list for about three weeks now, and when I called them back she said "Just to let you know, there is still another 4-6 weeks to wait".

By that time my contract will be up with them and I will consider either cable or DTV. I didn't pay $1000+ dollars for a TV that I can't watch!
I also got my 811 HD receiver too. I feel like I had to jump throught way too may hoops to get it, but they finally ended up in sending me one directly instead of waiting any even longer for the installer to get this receiver and setup an install appt. The OTA tuner in the 811 is better than the one in the 6000, but this one currently has a lot more bugs.
styxfix said:
. The OTA tuner in the 811 is better than the one in the 6000, but this one currently has a lot more bugs.

I don't know how you can qualify that it's better then the 6000's 8VSB. I know myself and another in this area weren't able to tune in channels on the 811 that came in just fine on the 6000. In your case it might be, but in others it isn't.
I have my 811 and I wish that I didn't. Can't wait for the last ten months of my 1yr DISH commitment to end so that I can go back to DTV.
rad said:
I don't know how you can qualify that it's better then the 6000's 8VSB. I know myself and another in this area weren't able to tune in channels on the 811 that came in just fine on the 6000. In your case it might be, but in others it isn't.

I can get a couple digital channels from the next DMA that I counldn't even get a lock on my 6000. However, the PISP issues with this tuner and the no signal screen are very annoying. The 6000 had a few issues when it was first released. Hopefully with the next couple of software updates, most of these problems will be solved too.
face_down said:
Last week I got tired of getting the run around from Dish so I switched to DirecTv after being with Dish for 5+ years. :mad:

You might want to try this, call them up and tell them you want to cancel your account, when I did this (to really cancel) I was transfered to the "Cancelation Department". Some yo-yo got on the phone and seemed real upset that I was leaving Dish and wanted to know why? I told him the lack of getting an 811 (had been on the list for over a month) and the general run around I was getting from them. On top of that my local retail HAD 811's in stock, but because I did not previously buy from them I could not get the $199 deal. So then he says because I was such a valued customer he would let me in on the $999 deal for a HDTV and a 811 and could get it to me right away. Told him I did not want there TV as I already have a 65" Sony....so then...get this....he said he could get me the 811!!!!!!!! I told him basically to pound sand and cancel my account...NOW! So you might want to give it a try.....bluff them a little bit.

On the flip side I am soooooo happy I switched over to DirecTv. Went to Circuit City and picked up an Hughes HTL-HD, a Hughes DVR40 and a standard RCA reciever (w/ trip LNB dish and install). Price w/ tax was $642, but I get $150 mail-in-rebate along with a $75 CC Gift Card. So for $417 I now have a HD box, a dual tuner DVR and an extra box for the bedroom/camper. HD is friggin amazing and overall SD on DirecTv is much better than my 5000 or 501 ever were!!! :yes

Good Luck! :D
Also switched after getting the same runaround. No regrets.

Not such a pig !

Waiting for 811? How long if you got one?

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