I wonder when the 921 pre-sales will start?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
Earlier this year dishdepot.com was taking 921 pre-orders -- of course the product was delayed. I wonder when vendors will start selling it?

I hope they won't insist on an "professional" installation. "Installer -- I don't need no stink'n installer!" :) I keep my dish on a fence post at ground level. It sure makes the upgrades easier. And it keeps my fence from falling down.
RobbinM said:
Earlier this year dishdepot.com was taking 921 pre-orders -- of course the product was delayed. I wonder when vendors will start selling it?

I hope they won't insist on an "professional" installation. "Installer -- I don't need no stink'n installer!" :) I keep my dish on a fence post at ground level. It sure makes the upgrades easier. And it keeps my fence from falling down.

Me too... I hope Mark, from Dishdepot, give us some insight about it.
I need to know because I want to make sure the CC I gave them is clean - I don't like using CC's so I only have one true card and I does have a very high line of credit.
The only problem is that the 921 will be a $1000 piece of equipment to keep in inventory. I currently keep around $12,000 in Dishnetwork inventory.

If I order a few 921's its gonna wipe me out money wise :)

Needless to say, im going to be working on something :)
Me too... I hope Mark, from Dishdepot, give us some insight about it.

Read the notices from Dish Depot. Mark is very consciencous. If you were in the initial queue you are still there. If you are not, it will take a while to work down the backlog. More questions, email him. He actually responds.

Note He was very upfront on what he can sell 6000us for vs the cheaper price direct from Dish. Can't get more honest than pointing customers elsewhere to get a better price.


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