If you will buy this item......

I saw those on there too, but if you look at the fine print, it only 'splits' the signal from on LNB, I assume either 119 or 110, but not both.

So, it is of limited value, at best, if it does work.
It would be OK for DishPro Dish300 pointed at 119 for AT60 and AT120 with no access to PPVs or wing satellites. I would not recommend the diagram shown. It looks like a good case of "I didn't know what I was buying" ready to happen.

But if one goes DishPro you might as well get a twin dish / Dish500. Odd offer.

About the only use for it I can think of, is to split the signal at each LNBF for multiple switch runs, in case 12 tuners (3 DP34) aren't enough for you.

Problems After SuperDish Upgrade

721 software upgrade

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