If your a D* CSR you must read:

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Because of the increase in false information being told to customers by D* CSRs and the liability this can pose D* will soon be taking action against these CSRs.

Just so you know sometime within the next month D* will be recording every call that goes in and out for an entire week. They will do this in two different weeks in two different months. These recordings will be sent to an outside company that will be hired to listen to every call and report back if certain things are said by any CSR from a list of things given to the company. D* doesn't care about other companies at this point but their own. This means for the next at least 4 months to be safe if your a CSR you should be carefull what you say because you will be fired at least from what I hear.

Again we must understand that these statements if being made can put D* in a great liability.

Most of this post was posted by me at AVSForum where the thread started so if you want more background into these events you can read it over on AVS.

I also agree, that while I hate when a good person loses their job, and that the majority DO THE RIGHT THINGS, liars and thieves MUST be exposed, and they should not have been warned. Although CS should have no thieves; this will only allow a few incompetent workers to slip through the crack. Sometimes the herd needs to be thinned.
Theres a D* CSR over at DBS forums that actually argued with me that because something was shown at 16:9 that that was conclusive evidence that it was HD :rolleyes: Some of these idiots need the boot.
It sounds to me like whoever the OP of that other thread was talking to was a D* Sales CSR, not technical support or mainbank. Since there are a few "uninformed" CSR's at all levels, maybe this will thin the herd so to speak. There are several, moreso than not, very good CSR's at D*, it's a shame that it's the bad ones we always hear about. It sucks that a sales rep would blatantly lie to get a sale. Luckily, tech support or mainbank doesn't have to worry about that as much.
Just a little off subject, but I often wondered why CE Chains don't school their specialty department staff better. You would think the senior management and or department managers could do a better job of training.

For me it's good news as we operate an independent B&M HDTV store and the lack of knowledge of the staff at my local BB and CC stores drive many lovely customers to my store.

Robert I think keeping their sales staff "under educated" keeps them from realizing that the vast majority of what the box chains carry is highly over priced, lower quality, or the lesser featured closeout (back to the over priced point). If I was a sales staff I would be sending them to specialty shops for real quality HT gear.
About time. I had a customer today mad at me because some D* CSR promised the customer that I would run 4 mirrors for free. Lets just say they didn't get not one mirror.
I'm sure CSR's are also fed up with the BS that installers tell customers. Most notably, I've heard one installer tell someone that they'd get Milwaukee locals, when they were in the Madison DMA. It does go both ways though.
For 8.00/hr certainly training is the issue. D* should correct their training and alter incentives if false promises are made. Having worked in a call center 10+ years ago ... the QA (Quality Assurance) was ALWAYS up out butts. Sounds like an internal issue, however, I welcome improvements.
It all boils down to the almighty dollar. For $8 you get a pot smoking college kid, for $16 you get a college kid with a brain.
they need training and some sense of how TV and HD works.............I've had salesman in stores that didn't know crap about what they were selling either.
maogdamian said:
This should be interesting. Our QA does a nominal job I think. I don't think the recordings your mentioning will really change much though. Honestly, if I didn't do as much research as i do, outside of work. My job would be telling customers all day long... "Sorry, I'm not sure." I really wish we had better access to information that would definitely help us as CSR's. Aside from that, I'm glad we will be getting rid of the lazy people that make stuff up all day long. Thats soooo aggravating taking a higher level call when the cust was told something sooo off the wall. Then I'm supposed to fix it. Yikes!

Furthermore, if you don't follow the script in DORIS, and QA reviews the call, you will get points deducted -- even if you directly jumped to helping the customer.

DirecTV CS needs to be a little more realistic, and less structured.

maogdamian said:
Ive worked at directv for about 4 years now. I understand that with almost 33,000 employees in 19 states and with atrition rates as high as they are with call centers. There is bound to be alot of new people. As Ive seen in the time ive been there. Im glad i work for directv and not a sub-contracted center. That would suck only making 8 an hour. I make over twice that much. =) Directv is very good to their employees. Not to mention all the benefits.

They do pay their call center people very well that is for sure. What bugs me is how they pay the call center people very well but try and stiff their installers (the people they can least afford to tick off) which results in many cases with lost customers. Now with that said I still don't feel sorry for some of these people because it should be common sense to not say something about the company you work for or another company no matter if you think your right or not. This is all about judgement and common sense.
LonghornXP said:
What bugs me is how they pay the call center people very well but try and stiff their installers

Glad you brought that up. Now take Ironwood for instance. The largest subcontracted local installation company we hire. (HSP) Now I know how much we pay Ironwood for the installation. Other hand i also know how much we pay the installer. Which i would then agree, the HSP's pay their guys very little for what they do. But are you refering to an AFS or like independant contractors? Would like to know that works out.

I've been having trouble with CenterIce, requested a supervisor last night to request a phone number for MSG and written copy of the NHL Blackout rules because what is on their website doens't match what I'm being told in relation to why I can't view the Buffalo Sabres. The supervisor CSR told me I was just looking for an arguement and hung up on me. Needless to say, tomorrow the Office of the President will be receiving a fax letter from me. DirecTV's been giving me the run around since 10/5.
LonghornXP said:
Because of the increase in false information being told to customers by D* CSRs and the liability this can pose D* will soon be taking action against these CSRs.

Just so you know sometime within the next month D* will be recording every call that goes in and out for an entire week. They will do this in two different weeks in two different months. These recordings will be sent to an outside company that will be hired to listen to every call and report back if certain things are said by any CSR from a list of things given to the company. D* doesn't care about other companies at this point but their own. This means for the next at least 4 months to be safe if your a CSR you should be carefull what you say because you will be fired at least from what I hear.

Again we must understand that these statements if being made can put D* in a great liability.

Most of this post was posted by me at AVSForum where the thread started so if you want more background into these events you can read it over on AVS.

Longhorn I think that thread got deleted or something. Link is not working it takes me to avs but just gives an message saying its either been deleted or moved
Trainnut said:
I've been having trouble with CenterIce, requested a supervisor last night to request a phone number for MSG and written copy of the NHL Blackout rules because what is on their website doens't match what I'm being told in relation to why I can't view the Buffalo Sabres. The supervisor CSR told me I was just looking for an arguement and hung up on me. Needless to say, tomorrow the Office of the President will be receiving a fax letter from me. DirecTV's been giving me the run around since 10/5.

Well technically dtv reps don't have access to that. They only broadcast what is allowed. Directv does not set rules or regs. By questioning and requesting what you did is basically arguing. There a TV provider not the NHL. Granted it was rude for that sup to say that and hang up. But your asking the wrong people. :)
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