Install on Thursday


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 13, 2006
Well, I called today to order Dish Network HD. I was with Dish a few years ago, but have been impressed with their HD offerings, so I am deciding to go back to them. My install is scheduled for Thursday morning. But, I have a couple of questions.

1.) I ordered an HD DVR, will I be getting the ViP622 or did I need to specifically ask for that?

2.) I already have two RG-6 cables running to the back of my TV. One currently for my satellite with the other guy and one for my OTA antenna. Will the installer want to use both of them, or is it policy now to use the Dish Pro Separator and just use one line.

3.) Can I expect to get any sort of cables during the install?? (Component, HDMI, etc..)

Well, I guess that is it for now. I am really looking forward to getting back with Dish Network, and finally getting some more HD programming.
1) you will get VIP 622. (if they charged you $200 for upgrade)
2) it's all depends on tech and youre preference
3) i dont know about subs but we deliver component or HDMI cables
Sounds good. I will probably really try and push for the Separator install, as I would like to keep one line dedicated to my OTA. Thanks for the information.
Well, I called today to order Dish Network HD. I was with Dish a few years ago, but have been impressed with their HD offerings, so I am deciding to go back to them. My install is scheduled for Thursday morning. But, I have a couple of questions.

1.) I ordered an HD DVR, will I be getting the ViP622 or did I need to specifically ask for that?

2.) I already have two RG-6 cables running to the back of my TV. One currently for my satellite with the other guy and one for my OTA antenna. Will the installer want to use both of them, or is it policy now to use the Dish Pro Separator and just use one line.

3.) Can I expect to get any sort of cables during the install?? (Component, HDMI, etc..)

Well, I guess that is it for now. I am really looking forward to getting back with Dish Network, and finally getting some more HD programming.
The tech will have the Component cables ..They are supplied by Dish to the customer with all HD receivers..There is only one HD DVR receiver. The 622....If you oprdred it ,you will get that installed..Call dish to make sure..
If the cable to your tv is RG-6 and it is in good condition, the tech will use it..He will only need one..The DPP seperator will do the rest...I urge you to leave the OTA and cable intact..This does two things..One, the antenna can receive HD locals off air AND, two, You have an alternate source of tv reception....
the tech won't likely give u HDMI as Dish doesn't give us them so u have to go buy them but u will get a 622 and the tech should use the 1 line to the sat recvr u have now
2 days for an install? I am having to wait 2 weeks. Mine will be on the 2nd and they already charged my credit card last week.
Thanks for the information everyone. Yeah, I was planning on leaving hte OTA antenna in tact, and hooking it to the receiver so I can get my locals in HD (HD LIL are not available in my area).
Well, my install went good today. I am glad I was here to help out the installer, because his knowledge of newer dish technology and stuff seemed limited. I got one of the new Dish 1000.2 systems, it seems to be very nice. He mounted it on the side of the house, I questioned if this would be all right and he said that is how he normally does it. He had some issues with getting 129 at first, but after some adjusting we are now getting it fine. We got the 622 Receiver for the living room and I asked for an SD receiver for the bedroom expecting to get the 311 or something like that, but I ended up with the 381. I have never heard of this one before. It seems awfully big to me, but it works. I will most likely upgrade to an HD receiver in that room sometime next year, so that is sufficient enough for now. All, in all, I am pleased with everything, and I am very pleased with the picture quality.
The dish network 381 is a 811 (that what it looks like to me) under cover, E* has to do something with all the left over 811s so they are using them as SD receivers for people. im glad your upgrade went well.. I'm trying to get the new dish 1000.2 what area do you live in?
Looks like the 381 will be out soon, however don't look for it at your local retailer, for now it will only be available from DNSC.

Here is a discription from Dish of the new 381...

What is the DISH 381?
With the introduction of the MPEG4 receivers and the DishHD business requirements, the DISH 811 as an HD unit has become obsolete for new customers & existing customer upgrades in non-commercial applications. Due to 811 inventory levels, the opportunity was recognized to service and re-deploy the 811 as standard definition receiver. The serviced unit, which is referred to as a DISH 381, behaves like other single-tuner SD receivers. The DISH 381 will be used in non-Commercial applications by DNS ONLY interchangeably with the 301 and 311 receivers for leased receiver installations. Commercial will use the DISH 381 as a DISH 351 replacement.
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I live in Middle Georgia, and from the way the guy was talking, they just got these in. So, he was fairly unfamiliar with it.

Can I lock out DVR control from Remote #2?

As of today, I'm now a former E* Customer

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