Installation -Rant

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Apr 9, 2004
:mad: I've been with DirecTV since 1999. I needed to upgrade from 2 receivers to 4 and HDTV. I called DTV and ordered the HD dish, and the 2 receivers. They gave me the 1-5pm window on 4/6 for an installation date. The Holstead Communications Company of Chester, NY showed up at 6pm - and didn't want to do it that late in the day, so I resheduled for today, that's right! a no show. No call or anything. DirecTV said the best they could do was to arrange for me to be called if there was a cancellation on another install. - no date or time on that. I guess I am supposed to sit home and wait for them to call. Needless to say - I am no longer a DirecTV customer.
That sucks man. I had to have D* come out and fix an issue with my second cable for my Tivo today. I have to say, it was the most pleasent technician from Bluegrass Satellite we have ever seen. He was way better than Insight Cable's techs or even DISH's techs. My animals liked him and they don't usually like strangers. He was very nice, and even though it took him nearly two hours to find and fix the problem he didn't give up, and also after having to dig up part of our cable line, he put our garden stones back where they were.
Update - Unbelievable

This morning, the installation company called to say that the technition will be over to finish the installation. - DirecTV is ok with it, they said that they will reinstate the account. We'll see what happens now.
Update - Installed

Well they just finished the installation. All 4 recievers seem to be working fine, including the HD. DirecTV credited my account $150.00 for the installation snafu.
MonroeNY said:
Well they just finished the installation. All 4 recievers seem to be working fine, including the HD. DirecTV credited my account $150.00 for the installation snafu.

I had a similar experience where the install was useless. Needless to say they credited my account $70. I think that the install you get depends on who the company it is outsourced to, its a crap shoot. But I was happy to get the credit for my pain and suffering something I never got when I was with cable. Perhaps this is why D* are rated #1 in customer satisfaction....

Glad to here you got the credit.
D* customer service already eclipses E*'s. Directv got me a Directivo for no cost since I was coming from DISH. They were nice and the installer was very nice. He actually grounded my dish, something E* never did.
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