Installer did a boo boo


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 20, 2006
Go ahead and encourage your installer to put in used equiptment and when it doesn;t work right, too bad..
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I've used existing dishes as long as they werent bent or messed up in any way. As far as using used equipment, I get sent out of the shop every day with remanned and used LNB's. If you are leasing your equipment, chances are your receiver(s) are also remanufactured. The dish kits are new on installs, however. But at any rate, I don't see what difference it really makes. When you are getting upgraded, you are, in effect, swapping out dishes, and you really dont need a 500 for that wing dish. But I guess you are the customer, and you are always right. :)

However, if the 300 was really old and crappy looking, I could see your point.
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Dang it!!! He caught us. He knows what scumbags we ALL are.

I don't automatically assume the worst of you just because someone in your profession does something that I may think is questionable.

And the guy above is right. If we have "reman" and "new" equipment on board, we are expected to use the "reman" first.

However, the good thing about "reman" is that it is "new" equipment that has been fixed.

And I also have changed out dishes just because they looked crappy though I didn't have too.
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What more whore stories about the industry in general, I;ve got tons of them.

Did I stumble into the backroom?

Sorry dude2, but near the end where you start talking about cable and FM problems and whores doesn't really go together. :)
Did I stumble into the backroom?

Sorry dude2, but near the end where you start talking about cable and FM problems and whores doesn't really go together. :)

No kidding...mee-oww!!

On a more serious note, I do feel for the OP. But let's face it, posts like this do no real good other than to allow venting. Yes, he probably got screwed over with the used LNBs. The D300 vs D500 is another matter. If it was me, I would rather the installer KEEP the D300 since most installers don't center the LNB properly on a D500.

Bottom line, if you have a bitch with the install...or the service in general, I really don't see what good can come from griping on here. Either pester the holy hell out of Dish on the phone or email CEO.
yeah, I can agree with the OP and the other guys. I see no problem reusing something that is in good shape.

I also agree that this thread isn't gonna do much good, but to start a long winded and directionless thread into the abyss! :) Problems definately need to be directed to dish themselves.
I am sorry, I have to add my 2 cents! I am a DNSC FSS-III and I take pride in my work. I see crappy retail and sub-contracted jobs everyday and I agree with dude2. We carry reman and new product on our vans, but not used. We are required by employment contract to turn in used equipment so that it can be refubished, and I know there is a program for retailers and subs to do the same, if they do not then they are being lazy and takig advantage of "MY" company! I am truly offended by the comments by rich88 and SatinKzo. If you are Dish reps in any form, then you should be ashamed of yourselves and take a hard look at what you do. You do not represent yourself when you install Dish Network, you represent Dish, and there for any poor workmanship and dishonesty is a reflection of your true character as a human being. I have said my peace.
bmx, first let me say

I am in no way am affiliated with Dish or anyone that is. I just have their TV service. :)

Also, let me remind you that I agreed with the OP on some of his points. I just found it funny how it went from refurbed stuff to cable TV, to FM on the cable line and some how whores got involved. Yeah, I know it was a grammer mistake, I was just making light of a thread that is now going downhill very very fast.

Not sure why you are offended, you are taking things a little too seriously and assuming too much by inferring that I work for dish and do crappy work. If I did work for dish, my work I can assure you would not be 2nd rate.
I see you agreed on some points, that's wonderful. And yes he is venting on a very sore subject. The subject did not go from refub product, if his installer would have used refurb then the out come may have been different, instead, he put in used epuipment that could not be warranteed. Even refurb equipment comes with a 90 day warranty. And when he referenced cable TV and FM, he was making reference to quality workmanship. I apologize for "assuming" that you have a proffesional relationship with Dish, but even as a supporting founder, I would assume you would be more empathetic to his situation. And as a Dish customer, would you not expect the same as he does if your paying for the service? And a Dish 500 does bring in more signal than a Dish 300. I can get 100-110 on a 500, compared to 80-90 on a 300, and when dealing with the 129 orbital that is substanial.
If I had someone install my service yes, I would want stuff that is in good shape under warranty. And eventhough I installed my own stuff, I used the best stuff I could find. Some of it was used however and it works great.
Being a supporting founder has nothing to do with anything in this post in all honestly. It just means I was here often, early on in this board and in that time frame contributed financially to this site as I really enjoy the community and information and want this site to stay viable.

Bottom line in my opinion is the installers here are probably some of the best and most reputable out there. I also believe many of them take much pride in their work. If they were constantly out to screw someone, I doubt so many of them would be here helping others for FREE.

No hard feelings bmx, or dude2. Have a good Thanksgiving.
Not so sure about the D500 vs. the D300. A lot of warehouses don't have the "square" to "D" adapters, and as such, the dual LNB is placed either in an offset. Hence my recommendation that if I was the installer, I would have kept the D300 there and utilized it.

And yes, I still stand firm on the comment that the OP posted in the hopes to be heard. Unfortunately, posting here does absolutely no good other than to validate his own personal feelings.
I am sorry, I have to add my 2 cents! I am a DNSC FSS-III and I take pride in my work. I see crappy retail and sub-contracted jobs everyday and I agree with dude2. We carry reman and new product on our vans, but not used. We are required by employment contract to turn in used equipment so that it can be refubished, and I know there is a program for retailers and subs to do the same, if they do not then they are being lazy and takig advantage of "MY" company! I am truly offended by the comments by rich88 and SatinKzo. If you are Dish reps in any form, then you should be ashamed of yourselves and take a hard look at what you do. You do not represent yourself when you install Dish Network, you represent Dish, and there for any poor workmanship and dishonesty is a reflection of your true character as a human being. I have said my peace.

I don't see how you're offended by my comments.

If I didn't take pride in my job then I wouldn't be offended by the generalization that dude2 made against all of us installers including YOU and ME.

The only time I use "used"equipment is on jobs classified as "Reconnects". Of course that equipment is already on site and is still property of Dish Network,i.e., I'm not pulling "used" equipment off my van. I have always been told that we use all of the preexisting equipment that still functions properly. Of course we replace defective equipment and make necessary adjustments in the equipment used depending on what kind of receivers are going in, how many lines already going in, etc., etc.. And yes, any preexisting equipment that it isn't used or is replaced goes back to the shop, and I know for a fact that our shop returns ALL of it back to Dish.

Now as far as "reman" equipment, I was just trying to throw a "ray of sunshine" by saying that at least "reman" is "new" equipment that has been fixed.

And I didn't make the rule that says we use "reman" before we use "new". I just follow it.
When I needed to have an extra dish put up to get a better signal for 129, the installer said we will just use this old dish 300 for that.
I told him, no I want the dish 500 that you just took down as the lnb is much newer in it.
His comment, can;t do that, your 500 is going on a new install tommorrow.
I reported this to dish and now I have a dish tech on my side and I will get all new electronics and rewire the entire system to specs including proper grounding etc.
How many of you installers are doing this, putting in used equiptment as new and getting by with it. Then I imagine you bill dish for a brand new dish which you got free. I looked in the back of his van and it is full of used dishes and lnbs switches all scratched up ready to go on someones house.

Look, if the guy is really doing this, then, yes, something needs to be done.

Just don't automatically assume we are all doing this.

For example, back during the summer when we were having problems with the 110 LNBs overheating on some of the old Type 2 SuperDishes and having to replace them, it wouldn't have been uncommon for a customer to look into the back of my van and seen one or two of them. Now, I was taking the SuperDishes(s) back to the shop to throw the Dish away and return the LNB(s) back to the warehouse which in turn returned them to Dish, but the customer could have come to a erroneous conclusion that I was going to use those old, some faded, some stained, SuperDishes.
Thanks for the clarification. In the original posts it sounded like some of the replies were directing the customer to "just deal with it" and he should not worry about it if his system works. I have been with DNSC for 3+ years in the mountain region and we take alot of pride in our customer service skills, workmanship, and quality control. I know that not all installers are not on the same page, but I would say 90+% of us are. I still don't agree with using "used" equipment on even a reconnect unless the customer insists. Our reconnect work orders say to deliver new LNBF's. The reasoning behind not using "used" equipment on any job was that it reduces trouble calls for equipment failure. I agree. You don't really know the condition of a used LNBF from another job. The odds are better that you won't return to that job if you use new or even reman.

When I go and do a upgrade, and I take off a perfectly good looking Dish 500, you can bet that dish is going on my next Dish 500 install. If it's full of bird dodo, cmon - I have standards.

As far as LNBs and switches, you best believe a ton of it is reman. The DPP44 is my own house is a reman. My DP duals are remans.

For those of you with 381 recievers, it's nothing but a remanufactured 811.

As far as taking a LNB off a customers home and using it on another job, no. Same applies to switches and recievers. Yes coax is all brand new.

BMXCookie, yes I totally agree with a RC, definately new LNBS/ground block, sat lines. Not worth a trouble call.
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I am sorry, I have to add my 2 cents! I am a DNSC FSS-III and I take pride in my work. I see crappy retail and sub-contracted jobs everyday and I agree with dude2. .

I resent your comments on retailers and sub-contractors. I am a sub and I take great pride in my work and I know there are more than not other subs and retailers who do the same. i have seen many "dish installers" handy work around here in the rual nebraska. Gives me the willys. Do not know if they think their work will not be QC'ed here out in the sticks but I do not comment in the forums that dish installers all do crappy work.

I have had dish feild reps tell me and others who work for our retail company that we do just as good or better than many dish installers.
I resent your comments on retailers and sub-contractors. I am a sub and I take great pride in my work and I know there are more than not other subs and retailers who do the same. i have seen many "dish installers" handy work around here in the rual nebraska. Gives me the willys. Do not know if they think their work will not be QC'ed here out in the sticks but I do not comment in the forums that dish installers all do crappy work.

I have had dish feild reps tell me and others who work for our retail company that we do just as good or better than many dish installers.

Agreed. Doesn't matter who you work for, it all depends on the specific person. Goes everywhich way as I have said from time to time.

Went on a trouble call today on a job done by one of my own, piss poor work that I *got* to fix. Nuff said.
I am sorry, I have to add my 2 cents! I am a DNSC FSS-III and I take pride in my work. I see crappy retail and sub-contracted jobs everyday and I agree with dude2. We carry reman and new product on our vans, but not used. We are required by employment contract to turn in used equipment so that it can be refubished, and I know there is a program for retailers and subs to do the same, if they do not then they are being lazy and takig advantage of "MY" company! I am truly offended by the comments by rich88 and SatinKzo. If you are Dish reps in any form, then you should be ashamed of yourselves and take a hard look at what you do. You do not represent yourself when you install Dish Network, you represent Dish, and there for any poor workmanship and dishonesty is a reflection of your true character as a human being. I have said my peace.
Sems to be some confusion over the terms "used" and "remanufactured"....this goes out to those NOT in the business..apologies to those in the know....
Reman is EQ that has been returned to dish rebuilt, inpected and realeased for futher use..IMO that EQ is BETTER than new..Why?..Because it has been inspected and tested....
Used EQ is exacly that...It is EQ taken from one customer and installed eleswhere..A big fat no no..
We are required by dish to return all used EQ to be returned..In fact, this EQ is not to be redeloyed until it is inspected/repaired....We do service calls and the returned EQ must be sent to dish so that we can get compensated for the service call.....
Now, the guy that wrote he ses bad stuff from all other except DNS techs is being diengenuous..I have sen bad work from EVERY type of installer...It is up to thoise of us who take pride in our work to keep plugging away by doing the right thing on every job..
Thanks for the clarification. In the original posts it sounded like some of the replies were directing the customer to "just deal with it" and he should not worry about it if his system works. I have been with DNSC for 3+ years in the mountain region and we take alot of pride in our customer service skills, workmanship, and quality control. I know that not all installers are not on the same page, but I would say 90+% of us are. I still don't agree with using "used" equipment on even a reconnect unless the customer insists. Our reconnect work orders say to deliver new LNBF's. The reasoning behind not using "used" equipment on any job was that it reduces trouble calls for equipment failure. I agree. You don't really know the condition of a used LNBF from another job. The odds are better that you won't return to that job if you use new or even reman.
another clarification....Reconnects...or dish movers..we use the customers existing EQ..We supply a new dish and LNB....I did a dish mover last Sat..When I used the existing dish because I was the one who installed the thing less than a year ago..Weird...The owner of the home moved out and rented to someone else...If that is what the thread refers to as Used then some are being a bit picky...Alot picky, in fact..

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