installer sc question


New Member
Original poster
Dec 24, 2003
i am runing into a lot of sc *service calls* on 119 in and out and i will re aline dish and seems ok could it be rg 59 cable in house? dose smaller cable make more dif. on sat 119?
Rg-59 is not recommended for either DirecTV or DISH installations because the thinner diameter center conducter will lose voltage faster over long cable runs and will lose satellite signal faster over long runs. I
Jeff T said:
I thought this was a DirecTV area?

DirecTV uses the 119 orbital slot also.

We have been having problems with the triplesat dish. The customers have been losing 101, though. 110 and 119 seem to come in fine. You can switch ports on the LNB and everthing starts working. I am wondering if we got a bad batch.

How to split a single Dish 500 line?

Help, local retailer won't sell me a Receiver?

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