Help, local retailer won't sell me a Receiver?

HDTV Rookie

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Dec 1, 2003
I am an existing dish customer that moved from Maryland to Missouri in November. I currently have a 508, (3) 301s and an 811. The 508 and 2 of the 301s are on the DHP plan. I got those receivers through Dish directly. I got the 508 and 1 of the 301s back in 1999 while living in MD. Then before leaving MD, My mother-in-law gave me a 301 that was bought in 2001 and not on any type of plan or commitment with Dish. When the dish movers came out to install me, I asked Dish for the 3rd 301. Then in December I purchased the 811.

I am trying to get either a 721 or 508 to replace the 301 I own, so I called up the local retailer, but they said they can not sell to me because of residuals.

First, since I never purchased my equipment from a retailer, how can there be residuals. Second, if she is correct, I never chose a retailer to install my stuff, Dish did. Third, why should this prevent me from purchasing services or equipment from someone I may have an opportunity to establish a good relationship with.

Is this retailer correct, or are they mistaken. If so should I try another.
HDTV Rookie said:
I am an existing dish customer that moved from Maryland to Missouri in November. I currently have a 508, (3) 301s and an 811. The 508 and 2 of the 301s are on the DHP plan. I got those receivers through Dish directly. I got the 508 and 1 of the 301s back in 1999 while living in MD. Then before leaving MD, My mother-in-law gave me a 301 that was bought in 2001 and not on any type of plan or commitment with Dish. When the dish movers came out to install me, I asked Dish for the 3rd 301. Then in December I purchased the 811.

I am trying to get either a 721 or 508 to replace the 301 I own, so I called up the local retailer, but they said they can not sell to me because of residuals.

First, since I never purchased my equipment from a retailer, how can there be residuals. Second, if she is correct, I never chose a retailer to install my stuff, Dish did. Third, why should this prevent me from purchasing services or equipment from someone I may have an opportunity to establish a good relationship with.

Is this retailer correct, or are they mistaken. If so should I try another.

The retailer is mistaken. They can sell (at regular price) any receiver to any customer whether or not they were the original retailer of record. As long as you were wanting to buy the 721 or 508 at the normal price, and weren't asking for some kind of upgrade promo (there isn't one with those receivers anyway), there should be no problem with them selling it to you over the counter.

On the other hand, any upgrade promotion - like the 811 for $199 or 510 for $99 - is ONLY available through the original retailer or DISH direct. That is probably where the retailer got confused.

If they won't sell you a 721, I can get you one, or you can check out the I believe they even have 508's in stock.
NO, it's not. Dish reimburses the retailer lost monies on promotions, but with existing customers--- ONLY with the retailer who originated the account or thru Dish.
toto said:
NO, it's not. Dish reimburses the retailer lost monies on promotions, but with existing customers--- ONLY with the retailer who originated the account or thru Dish.

But since this customer wasn't asking for any promotion, and was wanting to buy the receiver flat out, the retailer was mistaken. DISH doesn't reimburse anything on that equipment anyway. DISH still pays an activation incentive on equipment sold to existing customers even if they aren't the retailer's original customer as long as it is added on to the account and not a swap out.

Either try again with that retailer, or go on down the line. You'll find someone who knows what they're talking about.
Mainstreet said:
But since this customer wasn't asking for any promotion, and was wanting to buy the receiver flat out, the retailer was mistaken. DISH doesn't reimburse anything on that equipment anyway. DISH still pays an activation incentive on equipment sold to existing customers even if they aren't the retailer's original customer as long as it is added on to the account and not a swap out.

Either try again with that retailer, or go on down the line. You'll find someone who knows what they're talking about.

Mainstreet, you mentioned above about me adding on and not swapping out. I would be looking to swap out one of my 301s, most likely the one I own. I do not have a need right now for a 6th receiver. However, I am in the process of getting the rest of my basement finished and would expect that by the end of May, I would need the 6th receiver

I saw the 721 they offered in DishNet Store, I was just trying to see what my local retailers could have done for me and establish a relationship with a company that I can rely on and trust.

Guess I may need to keep searching
HDTV Rookie said:
Mainstreet, you mentioned above about me adding on and not swapping out. I would be looking to swap out one of my 301s, most likely the one I own. I do not have a need right now for a 6th receiver.

So what would keep you from adding it on and then taking the old one off the next day? That would qualify as an add on. ;)

installer sc question

Stonewalled by Dish "support" (Rant)

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