Interesting call from D* (former customer, now with E*)


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
I got this call last night from DirecTV, saying they were calling former customers. I politely told them that I was now a Dish customer. They then go into "pushy" mode where they say they can send me some new equipment for $49. I tell them that I got MY equipment for free plus 3 months free programming AND it is the HD 811!

Now get this: she tries to tell me that I don't own that equipment and that if I cancel I will have to return it. I say no (I knew she had me confused with the Digital Home plan). Then she actually said that she knew what she was talking about 'cause "DirecTV and Dish are owned by the same company". At that point I knew I was dealing with an idiot so I hung up.

Gotta love the telemarketers. Instead of learning from me that I switched because of free HD equipment (they wouldn't even replace my 4 month old standard receiver), they tell me I don't know I'm doing.
>>>>>>>>>>Gotta love the telemarketers. Instead of learning from me that I switched because of free HD equipment (they wouldn't even replace my 4 month old standard receiver), they tell me I don't know I'm doing.

I expect I'll be getting those calls soon. That's if they don't come through with my locals in April as protracted. I signed up a year ago in addition to Dish to see who would come up with the best HD solution. Dish did, got my 811 and am happy with it. I will just sign up for the locals with D* and the access fee if that comes true for $10.99 per month.

As to D*, I joined D* and paid for a triple LNB dish and GAEBO Hughes receiver installation. The GAEBO got a real decent picture. It died at 8 months though, and they replaced it with a piece of crap RCA and the picture is legions worse than the Hughes.

If I get pleading calls from them I'll tell them that maybe we can talk if they come up with a HD receiver deal.

If Dish and DirecTv was owned by the same company then why would she be trying to hard to try to switch you over? That is what i would have told her.
since he has done business with Direct, they can call him if they want. They are exempt from the do not call list. He would have to tell them do not call me anymore

I havent been a Verizon wireless customer for about 2 years now....and they call me about once every other month trying to get my business back (I was a customer of theirs for over 8 years)

811 and NBC-DT

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