Is it just me???

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Is it just me or is that video of Charlie Ergen running on channel 101 seem kind of spooky?

I seems like Charlie is just winging it in the video and stumbles over some words.

As the air he looks like he wants to say something and says "Again... thank you very much." and then the black copyright screen comes up.

Charlie does not appear very CEO like at all in this video at all. Perhaps it would be better if they added some backround music in it, but just him alone is kind of spooky.
Havent seen that one
Saw the one on my local CBS (WCCO). Looked pretty good. Much better than what was on the CC.
I recorded the chat and it seems like he was nervous. He stumbled almost everything he said.

Wheres my Tv Land!

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