One used to be able to get 2 HD DVR's leased, but that was when Dish was covering 4 TV's. Now, Dish only covers 3 TV's. So, that means an HD dual tuner and an HD single tuner. Bummer. Yes, you could pay the upgrade to get the 2nd HD dual tuner, but it should be relatively nominal, not the full MSRP. If he really wants it, he should go ahead and pay the upgrade because it covers all costs of the installation as well. Yes, he can get an HD dual tuner on Ebay for peanuts (relatively speaking), but Dish is going to charge to install that equipment that is not covered in the original order for equipment and parts and labor that they are "giving" you, if you go this route of buying your own box to add you may have to pay for additional equipment to make it happen, and that can be very expensive. The installers will have a work-order, and you want anything beyond that work order of "freebies", it is yours to pay, if the installer has the time to mess with it. You could arrange for Dish to add to the work-order the installation of an additional box that you will pay for when they create the order.