Is Jessica Simpson right?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Aug 21, 2004
According to the commercial, she says Direct TV has
"1040i"...."I don't know what that means, but I
want it."

So is Jessica right? Is it Mpeg4 in reality. Does DirectTV
have an edge up?

Cause I too don't know, I know the technos here will know.

Well the commercial quotes are (" me in DirecTV HD...." and "'s broadcast in 1080i....") likely is talking about seeing her in "The Dukes of Hazzard" on HD PPV, or even HBO-HD or SHO-HD; so what they say is correct about any of those three options. For that matter, so is HDNet, HDNet Movies and Universal-HD; but I would suspect none of those would have that movie. LOL!
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Can you back that up with a reference? I've never seen an official statement from the ATSC which includes 1440x1080 and 1280x1080 1080i standards.

This page lists the 3 standards for 1080. There is a chart on page 17 (Chart 7.3) giving all the accepted standards for 1080 ATSC Direct-to-Home Broadcasts over satellite. Not only are all three acceptable for 1080i but also for 1080p.

Note: This standard has nothing to do with frame rates, only horizonal and vertical resolutions from 480X352 to 1080X1920.

This page lists the 3 standards for 1080. There is a chart on page 17 (Chart 7.3) giving all the accepted standards for 1080 ATSC Direct-to-Home Broadcasts over satellite. Not only are all three acceptable for 1080i but also for 1080p.

Note: This standard has nothing to do with frame rates, only horizonal and vertical resolutions from 480X352 to 1080X1920.

Those resolutions should be marked as EDTV not HD, because of violation of ratio 16:9.
Thank you.

I'm glad that they don't have a 1080x960 standard.

Of course these standards are not necessarily the same as for what constitutes HD, although E* and D* and cable companies may well elect to interpret them that way.

I see they have the 480x352 res listed too. I've heard that E* uses this for some of their SD channels, and 480x480 for many others.

Nothing but the finest in digital quality video for us E* subs!
The voiceover at the end also says DirecTV has a better picture than cable. Now, this is a commercial about HD, right ?? I think that's a stretch for D* to say that....
Thank you.

I'm glad that they don't have a 1080x960 standard.

Of course these standards are not necessarily the same as for what constitutes HD, although E* and D* and cable companies may well elect to interpret them that way.

I see they have the 480x352 res listed too. I've heard that E* uses this for some of their SD channels, and 480x480 for many others.

Nothing but the finest in digital quality video for us E* subs!

Most of Dish's SD content is in 544x480.

Slates are usually 352x480

Some premiums like HBO are 640x480

Dish Home is 702x480

Off air antenna with dish dvr 622

Big Dish for Sat129

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