Is this 1 DISH soulition possible for more HD & SD channels????

Tom Forness

Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Nov 7, 2003
Is this 1 DISH solution possible for more HD & SD channels????

With the Superdish is it possible to view 4 satellites if they are closer together. This would avoid the two DISH solution.
See thread below (on dsb talk) regarding the following request by DISH.

(*EchoStar has applied for authority to construct, launch and operate DBS satellite assets in the 12.2-12.7 GHz (high-power Ku-Band frequency) and 17.3-17.8 GHz frequency bands at 123.5 degrees, 96.5 degrees and 86.5 degrees, the FCC said. The applications were filed in June, though they have not yet been accepted for filing at the FCC)

Just a hopefull thought!!!!!

I am no expert in this but my understanding is that for the FSS (low power) ku band frequencies the LNB on the dish needs to be in the "prime focus" area of the dish. This is what the superdish does - it is aimed directly at the 121 or 105 degree position then the DBS LNBs are off to one side. IF E* is able to get authorization to use DBS frequencies at 123.5, 96.5, and 86.5 degrees (a tough sell to the FCC IMHO) then a superdish would be able to see anything in its almost 30 degree arc as long as there was an LNB in place to receive it.
I think the main new DBS slot that dish wants to put in place is 105.5. They have already paid SES a deposit for a "future" DBS satellite to go in a yet to be decided on spot. The FCC is working on the project now. Under consideration are spacing and power issues. For example the current DBS slots could be unlimited power (well within reason) and the "tweener" slots are limited to 100watts, or have a different polarization.

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