
This series has potential. I can be really, really good (as I thought the pilot was) or it can sink into another cops and robbers-ghostwisperer-Medium-type show. BTW I like Medium, but it's already on the air. Medium-San Francisco is unnecessary.

Okay now that the question of who is going to believe this character randomly travels trhough time fixing history's mistakes with that tool box/ring out of his ass trick, there is no more home tention to distract from the story and piss me off in the process. I wonder how they will keep some interest in the "present"?

See ya
I thought it improved with the second show. Of course the first show had to go through the motions of explaining the entire time travel thing and rationalizations, the second one they could do a real story. I just hope it does not get too preachy, the whold well I could not save my Dad but ended up saving someone else, who latter turned out to be important would be a bit much every episode. Saving a family or helping a single person in a meaningful way would be just as good as arranging a chain of events to do something important every week.
I also like the second episode better than the first. The thing is that if that ever really happen to me and I get to travel back to the 80's often, I would just take a big chunk of cash with me all the time. Do some research on the stock market and then buy which ever stock has the most gain in 20 years in my name. ;)
I liked this week's episode; decided to give it another try. I was able to follow it. Not sure yet if it is a keeper, but its not horrible.
The problem I see is that it is more interesting seeing him cope with the time travel than the actual work he does. Things like the plane, driving, etc, but how many more can they do? This week trying to come up with a way to change history outside his assigned case...

I have a feeling it will be dropped from the DVR soon unless they somehow make the actual cases interesting.
After this week episode, both my wife and I decided to drop it. It is the same thing over and over, but the worst part is the domestic problem. The guy got so many issues at home in current time, it just not fun to watch anymore.

Half the show is a guy dealing with family problems with his job, wife, and brother. And the other half is not that much more interesting. In the last episode, I don't even know why he has to save the internet business girl. In Quantum Leap, the people he saved were usually important people that affect history. Here, he is just saving some random everyday people.

Also most of the plots are so predictable. So he said he is going to make it to his wife's big event... and immediately you know that he is not going to. So when they talk about having the babysitter over, I was thinking that if he jumps back so suddenly and so often, he can't be alone with his young son. And guess what is the plot for next week episode? After we saw that preview, we decided this show is not going anywhere. It is so sad because Rome was so good!
Well I dropped the show. Half way through the episode I decided I really did not care any more. I did not even watch the entire episode. The show had a lot of possiblities, but instead it got predictable. I am sure at the end there would be a brief note of the history change (like last week lawyer defends innocent clients).
I watch the first episode but have not watched the others --- all are in archival mode right now. Waiting for the cancellation notice so that I can erase them :D
Time Not on Journeyman's Side

Time may be running out for NBC's Journeyman. According to inside sources, the Peacock network is considering pulling the show in two weeks unless ratings improve. The news comes shortly after NBC announced that fellow new drama Life would be given a test-run in Journeyman's Monday at 10pm time slot on December 3, following the Heroes fall (and likely season) finale.

The news could not come at a worse time for fans of quality serialized television already reeling from the writers' strike and its impact on shows like 24 and Lost. Slowly but surely, Journeyman has developed into one of the most intriguing shows on TV. The plight of San Francisco journalist Dan Vasser (Kevin McKidd) and his sudden time traveling jumps is becoming even more dramatic as the FBI is digging into his life, getting closer to the truth.

While Journeyman never soared in the ratings, it didn't help that lead-in Heroes, thought to be NBC's new benchmark series, became a ratings disappointment in season 2. Still, Journeyman received a nice bump last Monday with 6.2 million viewers, up nearly a million from the previous week.

According to one source close to the show, the ratings don't indicate the true depth of viewer loyalty. Each week, thanks to DVRs and online downloads, approximately one million additional viewers tune in. That speaks to the fact that many Journeyman fans are young science fiction lovers who are more technologically advanced than the studio heads who only look at Nielsen numbers.

It's a sad fact that, even as they face a writers' strike over online original content, many networks still don't seem to understand the importance of DVRs and downloads. People are no longer watching TV in the same way their parents did, and the networks need to adapt. Journeyman, with its combination of season-long mythology and individual standalone plots, is the kind of mysterious show that could do very well on DVD, another thing NBC doesn't seem to be looking towards by considering pulling the show.

The inside source said that Journeyman will air for the next two weeks, and if the ratings don't steadily improve with those, it will be pulled, possibly never to return. Tonight, Journeyman begins a two-episode arc in which Dan travels back in time to track a kidnapper played by Raphael Sbarge. 24 fans will remember him as Ray Wallace, the distraught father at the start of season 6 who would do anything to save his family, include bring a detonator to the terrorists.

If you're wondering what more you can do to save Journeyman, the answer for now is watch, and get all your friends to watch as well. If that fails, NBC can expect Journeyman fans to mount a Jericho-like campaign. Only instead of nuts, might I suggest sending them quartz crystals. They're a bit pricier, but I've heard they keep time better than any other material.

-John Kubicek, BuddyTV Senior Writer

Source: BuddyTV
Why would you pull a show that you already have episodes filmed in HD no less, when you have a writers strike ongoing? Even if they do pull it due to " low"ratings , what are you going to replace it with ? MORE Reality tv- CRAP!

I love this show and it has gotten better and more detailed every week. So of course it makes sense to pull it. Do you ever notice that the best Sci-Fi shows get pulled every damn year? This show has better sci fi value than the shows I watch on Sci-Fi network. You feel for the characters and the fact that Olvia his old girlfriend is from the past -1948 and travels to the future for her and Dan is from the present and travels to the past , makes this show cool to me. INtriguing and interesting making me want to dig deeper into the show to figure out what it going on to cause this. NO it is not Quantum Leap with a formulatic nice solution every week with no consquences for changing the past . This show makes you THINK.

Sorry if it takes some actual THOUGHT to watch the show NETWORKS. THey really need to move past the dumbed down shows for the masses if the networks want to survive . I see every year great shows with potential to really be good go down the tubes because of ignorant exectives making decisions based on 1950s technology . No one I know in my family watches live tv anymore. We all dvr everything and watch when WE want to. Surely they can use the ratings pulled from the dvrs to figure that out.

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