Just added Sirius to the car


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Supporting Founder
Dec 4, 2003
I just added Sirius to the car. I cant beleive I didnt do it earlier. I hope Dish has a monthly discount plan with them. I cant wait to get it in the home!! Just wanted to toss my spin.

chastulsa said:
I just added Sirius to the car. I cant beleive I didnt do it earlier. I hope Dish has a monthly discount plan with them. I cant wait to get it in the home!! Just wanted to toss my spin.


Welcome to the dog. I've had Sirius for just about 1 year and love it.
I watched the rebroadcast of the last Charlie Chat. They seemed to hint that they may have a deal forthcoming for Dish people who want to subscribe to Sirius (car, presumably). I think they said they'd have more info in the June CC.
I have XM now, but have been thinking of getting Sirius too. I m waiting for Dish to get it so I can see if I like their programming, and if I do I will probably pick one up.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I have XM now, but have been thinking of getting Sirius too. I m waiting for Dish to get it so I can see if I like their programming, and if I do I will probably pick one up.

Don't forget you can listen to their music streams via the internet for free. It's limited to 20 minute blocks, but when it times out just reconnect. It's the actual streams, not a sample/demo stream like XM was doing when I last checked them a year ago.
Man I can't wait for May 20th to get here... Since the introduction of what was AT 150 this will be a great addition to both AT 120 and AT 180... Bring it on guys I'm ready to run with the dog. :)
I agree. I've had Sirius in the car for almost 2 years now and love it. I'd recommend it to anyone. Wife's got the nicer car, but I've got the satellite radio, so it evens out.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I have XM now, but have been thinking of getting Sirius too. I m waiting for Dish to get it so I can see if I like their programming, and if I do I will probably pick one up.
That's exactly what Serius wants you to do.

I think this is an excellent bit of marketing. It is a win for E* AT120 customers who will soon have 61 channels of music instead of 32 (albeit hosted, but still no commercials). A help to AT180 and AEP subs who will get the same in place of their 32 CD and 19 mono channels. And as customers grow to enjoy the music it will be their choice for car or portable use. :)

The kicker is the non-music channels that appear to be on their way as well.

And just one month to go ...

sblasl said:
Wish they had chosen XM. Format selection & programming is far superior!

It looked that way to me too when I perused the channel listings for each service.

I am one of those freaks that actually likes the Muzak service we have now. I like the 70s stuff, New Age, and Big Band especially ... and listen occasionally to a bunch more (the light jazz, jukebox, blues, classical, acoustical, etc.).
justalurker said:
That's exactly what Serius wants you to do.

I think this is an excellent bit of marketing. It is a win for E* AT120 customers who will soon have 61 channels of music instead of 32 (albeit hosted, but still no commercials). A help to AT180 and AEP subs who will get the same in place of their 32 CD and 19 mono channels. And as customers grow to enjoy the music it will be their choice for car or portable use. :)

The kicker is the non-music channels that appear to be on their way as well.

And just one month to go ...



Do you have any info that Sirius is Replacing the existing Dish music stations and not being added as additional music channels. There had been a lot of speculation about this when the deal was first announced, but I have heard nothing definitive. Also, where have you heard that the non-music channels appear to be on the way?
DougE said:
That's right, Scott posted a link here where we can receive the Sirius stations on our computer without the 20 minute stops. I am listening at this very moment.
For those who want the link, extract the file in the attached and run using Windows Media Player.


  • sirius.zip
    2 KB · Views: 195
cdru said:
For those who want the link, extract the file in the attached and run using Windows Media Player.

I can't connect to Sirius on the Internet any longer with the file you posted.
Is it them or me? I hope this isn't gone and just a temp thing.
kschorz said:
I can't connect to Sirius on the Internet any longer with the file you posted.
Is it them or me? I hope this isn't gone and just a temp thing.

It's not just you, I'm having the same problem.
Looks like they changed their web site over the weekend. Remember you can still access it, but just in 20 minute chunks.
I had Sirius, but switched to XM for a number of reasons. XM is cheaper. XM did away with commercials on music channels. XM has a much deeper playlist (repeats on Sirius were driving me crazy). XM's equipment is smaller (I have 2 of the tiny Roady's!). XM has a slightly better chance of surviving - they have like 5 to 6 times the number of subscribers since they got off the ground earlier than Sirius.
JimBanville said:
XM has a slightly better chance of surviving - they have like 5 to 6 times the number of subscribers since they got off the ground earlier than Sirius.
D* seems to be doing better than E* overall (not in some specific areas, such as number of available locals markets, international channels, and available bandwidth for more content - but overall as in number of subscribers).

That doesn't mean that E* will be folding up their tent. There is always room for a #2. Serius fills that position nicely and keeps XM on their toes.

Besides, the FCC would never allow a Sirius/XM merger, so whatever happens to #2 there will always be a #2 - even if it is eventually XM. :)

AcuraCL said:
It looked that way to me too when I perused the channel listings for each service.

I am one of those freaks that actually likes the Muzak service we have now. I like the 70s stuff, New Age, and Big Band especially ... and listen occasionally to a bunch more (the light jazz, jukebox, blues, classical, acoustical, etc.).

You might consider a Free-to-Air system. The music offerings from ExpressVu are MUCH better than either Sirius or Muzak or whatever the supplier TW Cable was using. BTW -- The EPV offerings are not scrambled.


811 and Dish 500

Odd Sat 119 signal 'loss'- help!!

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