Just ordered DHA.

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 18, 2004
I just ordered the DHA certificate via Dishstore.net. Is it alright if I wait until tomorrow or Monday to schedule my installation or will the certificate expire?
Usually I give everyone about 2 weeks to schedule the installation before I recall the certificate and assign it to another customer. You should be fine :)

BTW, did the ordering system work ok for ya? We just changed it over to the new site a few weeks ago to allow customers to pull their own certificates where we used to have to pull every certificate manually.

You'll get an invoice from us in the mail in the next week for the activation Fee.

Thank You
Yes, it was very convenient. Site design is also nice.

I particularly like to be able to purchase the certificate and set-up the account/installation with Dish Network seperately. This way I can get the certificate and evaluate my schedule so I can get the best possible installation appointment for me, rather than being rushed in one process.

I scheduled my installation today. Installation is on Monday, 24th.

When I get the invoice is when I send you the 49.99?
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