Just received software update S116!


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 10, 2005
Just received a software update on my Vip922 20 min ago. New version S116. Anyone else get it? Does anyone know what changed?
Just received a software update on my Vip922 20 min ago. New version S116. Anyone else get it? Does anyone know what changed?
nice, we're all expecting BBMP to be on it. Does it show it?

edit: Just got mine, no BBMP.:( I can't find anything new on it so it must be bug fixes. Nothing new. :(
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I don't see any changes. That's why I was asking what changed? Maybe just some bug fixes. I know there was some issue with the sling streaming. Maybe that was fixed but not sure. Hopefully Scott or someone at dish can let us know?

Seems like another release with no Block Buster Movie Pass! Dish what's going on with this?
Also have S116 - no BBMP icon on menu. No release notes yet on Dish Support. Agreed - likely, when they put something up, it will say something about "stability" fixes.
I got S116 also hmmm i wonder what it was for i guess we will find out soon :D :) scott any idea what this update is for? ty for reply :)
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Maybe my imagination, but the UI seems snappier to me. The one that I noticed the most was when I turn the receiver "on" from the screen saver screen it seems to be faster. Then again it did reboot, so could be just a coincidence...

Maybe my imagination, but the UI seems snappier to me. The one that I noticed the most was when I turn the receiver "on" from the screen saver screen it seems to be faster. Then again it did reboot, so could be just a coincidence...


Well I know for a time they purposely made the startup animation loop a couple times in order to give the box more time to boot up.
Bad wording on my part, I mean when I go from the screen saver and hit select it seems faster to me so far.

Maybe if fixes the endless rebooting and rebooting for HOURS that can often occur on my 922, unless I intervene and press RESET or it works itself out after a few HOURS. I'll be home today and observe the scheduled "Daily Updates" that we have set for the afternoon. I hope they fixed that.
Maybe if fixes the endless rebooting and rebooting for HOURS that can often occur on my 922, unless I intervene and press RESET or it works itself out after a few HOURS. I'll be home today and observe the scheduled "Daily Updates" that we have set for the afternoon. I hope they fixed that.

Didn't seem to help here... woke up today to it endlessly rebooting like my wife reports most mornings. To me it seems like it does this if it can't find out the TV on startup. If the TV is on, it starts up in a couple minutes, if not, it reboots *forever*, occasionally getting to a black screen of uselessness where it doesn't record anything.

So far for me Sling seems to be working, see how much longer this lasts. Still about a 3s delay when hitting buttons, but not the end of the world. Also pretty happy to see they started supported Chrome for streaming from the TV.

I've gotten used to the quirks, but my wife is getting pretty annoyed at the daily reboots. I already got the green light to check out the Hopper when it comes out... TBH I'm sort of looking forward to it as my monitors' in my office also have HDMI inputs, so why use Sling to those which is sluggish and lower quality when I can hook up direct with a Joey and get real 1080p... then get the Sling for remote watching at some later date.

If the TV is on, it starts up in a couple minutes, if not, it reboots *forever*, occasionally getting to a black screen of uselessness where it doesn't record anything.


I'm not saying anyone could definitely help, but... perhaps you could provide just a little more information, then there might be people on the forum that would recognize a cause, or offer other trouble-shooting ideas. For instance:

- Could you mention whether you have an HDMI cable directly between the 922 and your TV, or something inbetween? And if you have tried a different HDMI cable?
- Could you mention whether you have your 922 plugged directly into the AC wall socket, or if you have it plugged-into some kind of surge protector or other AC filtering device?
- Could you mention whether you have ever tried to plug the AC power of the 922 into another zone of the house - potentially (and just temporarily) with a heavy-duty 3-prong extension cable?
I had the same issue and turned out that my tv was the issue I had keyword had a Vizio, I had to use component cables then I got a new tv LG and I'm using a hdmi and its working fine
Don't know if it means anything in the long run, but since the update, my sling works much better.

Joey Searching for Satellite X

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