KWPL-LD, on remapped ch. 45.4 or RF ch. 30 is now showing Bein Sport Extra English in HD 720p.
But their a catch though their is a video hiccups ever 5 to 10 seconds the picture freeze up with slight picture break up.
Also the video's frame rate is cranked down to Euro video like at 25 FPs instead of 30 FPs.
No CC or EPG so far yet.
Please be aware this station's transmitter is coming from the westside which is west of Rio Grande river near I-40 near Old Coors road, running at 15 KW ERP.
But their a catch though their is a video hiccups ever 5 to 10 seconds the picture freeze up with slight picture break up.
Also the video's frame rate is cranked down to Euro video like at 25 FPs instead of 30 FPs.
No CC or EPG so far yet.
Please be aware this station's transmitter is coming from the westside which is west of Rio Grande river near I-40 near Old Coors road, running at 15 KW ERP.