OTHER LNB position


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 21, 2021
Tucson, AZ
Hello, I know this has been brought up a couple times but I really want to be sure. I took a good solid picture of my dish and LNB. If this isn't positioned correctly, can someone photoshop (or Gimp, if you're like me :) ) the image with some lines indicating where you think it should be pointed?


I've tested that very dish and it is a poor performer for FTA Sat TV signals. An earlier version with a rectangular arm works Ok. Better to get a dish designed for TV signals.
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Close to this.
I would ask what is the dish elevation protractor reading versus what tables tell you it's supposed to be aimed at a particular sat. That's a good hint.


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Ok, looks like I'm a bit low. I'll inch it up. I was thinking maybe the center of the pentagon on my dish was the spot.
Thanks for the advice!
Helps? Look at where the TRIA points at.
Look at the flat mounting point on the bracket and how it points parallel to (along?) the TRIA throat.
I'm rootin' for ya'.


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... If this isn't positioned correctly...
Necessity is the Mother of invention. Attached is an image of an LNB holder produced yesterday for my 87W fixed dish. It consists of a piece of LNB offset hardware plus a holder supplied by KE4EST that was designed for a GSP dish. I had to bend the holder's mounting tab to an appropriate angle.

To position the LNB, I adjusted and fussed with it until I got maximum receive signal. The holder's most important characteristic is to hold its position perfectly after I stop adjusting. It does that well and everything on 87W is being received well now.

jessica6: how's progress?

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To position the LNB, I adjusted and fussed with it until I got maximum receive signal.

Did you first adjust the dish's elevation to exactly the needed elevation-minus-offset angle (using the elevation angle of the dish face)?
Otherwise you might have landed at about the right focal distance, but not at the right offset angle towards the dish.

Did you first adjust the dish's elevation to exactly the needed elevation-minus-offset angle (using the elevation angle of the dish face)?
In the -8C / +17F weather before adding wind chill factor, I quickly adjusted LNB angle and vertical/horizontal placement along with an elevation /azimuth check by tugging lightly on the top and sides of the dish.

The resulting receive levels are in line with previous installations of this dish for 87W. And receive levels range from 0.5 to 1 dB below my 1.2m dish. That was good enough for me and I then ran back into the warm house. All transponders on 87W are being received.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk
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