LNB question


Retired & lovin' it!
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Lifetime Supporter
Feb 26, 2006
Central PA
Hi all. Predictably I lost my 129 sat. LOS as the leaves came out. When I connected my trusty $20 "Satellite Finder" SS meter into that circuit, it blipped audibly once as I first connected it and barely moved the needle after that even at the highest gain setting. But the dial light in the meter was illuminated. I noticed that the meter did not illuminate until both LNB and REC connections were made.

I'll need to do some more tree trimming to mitigate. Add the cost of that to the $300 I already spent last year at about this same time when my 129 wing was first installed. What some of us do for our HD viewing pleasure!

In the meantime I thought I'd reconnect my 61.5 wing which was always reliable before it was obviated by the 129 setup. Both the 61.5 and 129 wings use the same single cable down to my switch, only 1 at a time of course. So I connected the meter in that circuit to see what SS I was getting...and...nada. Zip, zilch, nein, nothing! The dial light didn't even illuminate. I have a DP Dual in that arm (p/n 151019) and tried both sides with exactly the same result, and down at the reveiver set-up screen I was getting -0- signal strength. I reconnected the meter back into the 129 circuit and it again illuminated the dial and gave the blip and minimal reading, so I don't think there's anything wrong with the meter. What does the non-illuminated meter in the 61.5 connection tell me?

Back in the house I tested the short cable that runs into the 61.5 LNB and it had continuity in both the center conductor and shield, and no short. There is no visible indication of damager or corrosion to any of the F connectors. I scared a couple of cold, tired wasps out of the LNB arm but that was about it.

Any suggestions? Can I talk Dish into sending another DP Dual (I have DHPP) or should I just pony-up for one myself? (There's probably no sense in a truck roll at this point.)

TIA and BRgds...
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Tks boba. Interesting that the voltage is coming from the receiver, but that in at least the 129 connection both the LNB and receiver have to be connected before the meter will illuminate, like the meter is getting it's power back through the LNB connection. I guess you are confirming that. So I have to think that alone indicates a fatal failure of the DP Dual, though I was surprised both sides would be out.

Does anyone have some related experience?

I was hoping Dish would just send me a "free" replacement LNB in exchange for the one I have since I'm on DHPP. On several occasions they have replaced remotes with no additional charge, and I didn't even have to send the old ones back, and I once got a "free" receiver swap. But I'm hearing the DHPP rules / fees have changed recently. A call to tech support will sort it all out. A DishPro Single (all I would need) is $35 at DishStore. A $15 truck roll to solve the problem costs me way more than that unless it can be scheduled for sure to be on a weekend...
I talked to Dish Tech Support on Sat. They're sending me a DP Dual at no additional charge. I'll pop that in as soon as it arrives (and the rain stops!) to see if it solves the current dilemma with 61.5. If I get lucky here I'll simply return the defective unit per their request. If that doesn't solve the problem, then I'm probably just going to work on the tree situation to restore 129 with a higher priority. It doesn't make much sense to send a technician at this point. (TS confirmed that would cost me $15 w/ DHPP.)

As far as I can tell my HD LiLs (Johnstown/Altoona DMA) are only on the 129 sat. EA would solve the problem with all the other channels I'm missing but not those LiLs. I also still have a 301 receiver in my mix that would have to be replaced if I go to EA, but that's no big deal.

I'll save the truck roll until I'm ready to explore the EA possibility. First I need to determine I have LOS to the 72.7 and 77 sats. I might have to move my dish location, and if I'm switching to EA then I want to have all the prep work done before the tech arrives: mounts placed and cables run, etc.

BTW - That exchange with Dish TS on Sat. was a delight! Quick and accurate information from both representatives with whom I interacted...

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