Locals PQ (Johnstown/Altoona)


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 29, 2004
Some of our local channels (Johnstown/Altoona) have some annoying problems. For once, it does not seem to be compression related, so the bright side is that Dish could potentially do something about it.

It appears that Dish gets our Fox and ABC affiliates via an OTA antenna before it goes to the uplink facility. The symptoms I see are crackling audio, and over-rich colors. To my un technical eye, it looks like they have amplification of the signal turned up way too high. The ABC and Fox affliliate are both owned by the same company, however, I think they transmit from different towers, so I don't know if that is related or not.

So, who do I contact about this? It doesn't seem like it would be a terribly difficult thing to fix. I tried calling dish tech support and explaining this but the guy was clueless as to what my real problem was. He said that since I have a 721, I have to talk to another department.... I explained that it has nothing to do with the receiver. He eventually brushed me off and said he would 'note my account'.... That means about as much to me as 'we'll keep your resume on file'

Anyone else have problems with these locals? What can I do?
All complaint should be sent to the web address and they will get back to you by email. Leave a phone number they can reach you at and tell them what you are seeing. This department is dedicated to fixing the audio/video problems you are seeing. They will often call you and work over the phone to tweak them and correct them.

I emailed them today describing the issue... I didn't use the www... I'll update the post if and when they get back to me! And I hope they do, cause watching 24 was painful.
I sent a message to dishquality... here's the response I received:

Thank you for expressing your concerns and interest in the DISH Network. Customer input is an important tool in our efforts to continuously improve the quality of the DISH Network service. Our Broadcast Operations Center is currently monitoring both WWCP and WATM based on your email. Adjustments have been made to both the audio and video on these channels. Hopefully these changes will improve the quality of these channels. We will continue to monitor these channels over the next few days.

Echostar Satellite LLC
Quality Assurance Department
Hey, I was about to post that. I got the same response. Maybe since they got two emails (at least), they actually looked into it. Thanks for backing me up. Fox did seem better last night, but I only turned it on briefly to check out the quality. Thursday is CBS night!
Yes, I would say that they have improved considerably. Still not as good as the Philly locals I had when I 'moved' to Philly, but quite a bit better than the local cable companies and OTA will get you in the State College area.
JavaJohnson said:
Yes, I would say that they have improved considerably. Still not as good as the Philly locals I had when I 'moved' to Philly, but quite a bit better than the local cable companies and OTA will get you in the State College area.

HA! OTA in state college is a joke.

New feature on 721

"Recall" button while on OTA channel...

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