"Recall" button while on OTA channel...


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 13, 2003
Does anyone else have a problem trying to switch back and forth between OTA and satellite channels using the "recall" button?

If I am on a local channel that has been remapped, recall doesn't work. If I am on a local channel that has not been mapped, recall works. If I am on a satellite channel, I can press recall to go back to an OTA channel, but if I press it again, it won't go back to the satellite channel.

It was especially annoying tonight while I was trying to watch the NBA game on TNT HD and the NHL game on the local ABC.

I tried searching the forums for this problem but I didn't see anyone else post about it.

I think this is a known issue....

Remapped Local OTA signals just screw up any control back to "normality" as far as Sat vieing is concerned.

We all await good code from the Dish Engineers with baited breath!
I have a weird one. My Albuquerque Fox station analog 2 digital 27 shows the correct mapping 002-1 but then changes to 027-1. If you change to a satellite channel you can go back and forth unlike the rest of the digital OTA where it is one way only. Possibly related to this is that E* supplies a Roswell low-power that maps to 027-0. There is the Sandia mountains between them -- Alb transmitter are on the west face and Roswell is well to the east.
slusig said:
Does anyone else have a problem trying to switch back and forth between OTA and satellite channels using the "recall" button?

Yes, I think everyone with an 811 has this problem. I expect it will be fixed someday......but I'm not holding my breath.......

Locals PQ (Johnstown/Altoona)

811 guide problem

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